Our family history

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My sisters and I were basically on the run from our father. Our father wasn't the average no show father. He was evil in the real sense. Our history is very unique. Our grandmother is actually Mother Nature! If you Google Mother Nature you will see photos and myths. I don't actual know what she looks like but I know the story. The myths talk about the Greek Goddess Demeter being Mother Nature. It states Demeter and her brother Zeus created a child Persephone. After Zeus betrayed Demeter and their child by being involved in the abduction and rape of Persephone, Demeter left to wander the earth. Little did people know that Demeter had decided that she did not need a 'God' to have children! After years upon years of protecting the earth Demeter decided she wanted children again. She wanted to retire. Demeter still hated her brother Zeus, which created a dislike for males in general. She decided she would magically create her children. She created twelve magically beautiful daughters. These daughters each had power the same as their mother and would take care of the earth. Demeter felt being immortal was a curse but understood how important it was for her children to live long lives. So she instilled a growing rate of one year of her children's life for every ten earth years. But Demeter felt sure all her children would follow her footsteps and magically create their children.

However our mum thought that she wanted to explore the world her way. She ran away and fell in love with the most handsome man she had ever met. He made her body vibrate with excitement, her heart pound fast and her smile became brighter. He was her perfect man, and she fell in love with him. They moved in together and he found out about some of her powers in time she revealed all to him.

Then they feel pregnant. Mum was over the moon until she found out that our father had kept some secrets from her. He also had powers although they were nothing like mums. He asked her to join with him and 'cross over to his side'. He told her he was similar to a fallen angel and he answered directly to the devil there was nothing they couldn't achieve if she also answered to the devil. She and their babies would never go without and they would be the strongest family in the world and beyond. Finding out her lover was a fallen angel was shock enough but asking her and her babies to cross over was too much. Mum went into hiding she moved frequently never bringing attention to herself and for years avoiding their father. For the last eighty years mum worked and earned extremely good wages and invested so we didn't have to work too hard. But she also wanted us to have a good education. So she always enrolled us in schools.

Six months ago our father found our mother and tried again to convince her to cross over. She wouldn't so then he demanded to know where his children were. When she refused to tell him he killed her. Now he is searching for us and we had to do everything we could to protect ourselves. Tierra looked around the table at the three of us.

"So how do we know if we can do it?" Everyone got excited practising a new power was fun.

"So Tierra go upstairs in one of the rooms don't tell us which one and we will try." I explained and off she went upstairs.

"I want to try" Said Aria. "Please let me go first what do I do?"

"Just think of nothing but Tierra, picture her and picture yourself with her, then close your eyes and when you open them you should be with her." We waited and watched Aria closed her eyes and minutes later she opened them and was still in the kitchen.

"Oh, great it must be another of your powers." Aria pouted.

"What did you think of?"

"I did like you said I thought of being with Tierra, it didn't work." Aria was frustrated. I tried to think of the first time I did it. I was scared and when I did it yesterday I felt something different. I felt exhilaration like I was on top of the world. So extreme emotions is what we are talking about.

"Aria, mum was always telling us our emotions affect our powers." She looked at me like I was speaking a different language "So don't just picture her, imagines she's in danger and you need to get to her."

"I don't know, maybe it's just your power, like the thoughts thing."

"No. It's not. I figure that you guys all have this amazing sporting ability, well my ability is mind, I'm creative inside my mind that's why I can hear people's thoughts. Please just try it."

She took a deep breath closed her eyes and within a couple of seconds she disappeared. Then we could hear screaming upstairs. Moana and I bolted for the stairs and found Tierra and Aria sitting in the same room laughing and jumping up and down. The rest of the night we popped all over the house working out how to control the power.

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