Chapter 17

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"So... this is the lake?"

"Yes..." Toritha said as she pointed out to the center of the lake. "I escaped right there" – everyone turned their heads to look at the center of the lake, to see where she was pointing to – "where that brush lies."

"How do we get in?" I asked.

Toritha gulped, and shuddered a little as she tried not to think about it, but quickly came over her senses, and pointed out to the lake again. "The lake is surrounded by some sort of barrier, and it you ever swim out far enough, it will get you, and pull you under. Then they place you in a crate, and send you to a specific room, designed to make you talk. If not, they will kill you, or... torture you, till you die."

"Well... that sounds inviting," Jason laughed, sarcastically. "I mean, they both go to death, so how would we avoid that little issue? I mean... I'm sure not all of us want to get murdered by a bunch of savages, in the mountain. Am I right?"

"Why exactly did we bring- Why did we bring him?" I asked Triston as I gestured to Jason. "I thought we agreed that we'd bring the brains of the group, and the most powerful, along with our captive. Why is he here?"

Triston sighed, and quickly grabbed me by the arm; pulling me to the side, away from the group.

"He found out, and he's also the size of a bean!" Triston said, pointing to Jason. "I can't just leave him in the house alone, or he's going to get crushed! Besides, Markl came with us. Why did YOU think that was a good idea?"

"He's still in giant size, and the only one who has a weapon on him," I whispered as Ii pointed to Markl's giant form. "Besides... poor Markl probably doesn't want to be stuck in a house, with" – I looked towards Jason – "That. Besides... What if he burnt down the house?"

"True," Triston muttered, worry still all over his face. "But, please, promise me that if anything bad happens, just don't... abandon them."

"Of course, I would never abandon one of our friends, you moron. Who do think I am?"

Triston just sighed, and let me go back to business.

"Alright! Listen up! Whatever happens down there, just believe in yourself, and fight!" I said, trying to motivate them.

"Yeah... We're gonna die," Jason muttered.

"Jason, hush," I said, scolding him as I made my way down the edge of the lake; heading towards, what looked like, a row boat.

When we gathered around the old boat, I placed my hands underneath it, and puled upwards; flipping the boat over, with the help of Triston, and Jason. Toritha just sat on the side, looking around nervously as we all piled into the boat, waiting for her to get in with us.

"You coming?" I asked, looking at her.

She nodded her head, and climbed into the boat, next to Jason, before Triston, and I, pushed the boat away from the water's edge, and towards the center of the lake.

"..., and you will too. If you don't bring a rig of bamboo...," Jason slowly sang as he tapped his leg, to make a small little tune with his song; Triston whistling along.

I sighed, and rolled my eyes as we came up to a large willow tree; all of our hands going up, to dodge, and move, the branches, and vines. Then, we finally got out, from under it, and came back to an open area in the lake.

As we got closer, to where Toritha had pointed, the boat started to scrape against something hard, at the bottom of the lake. Then, we sat in silence as the boat slowly came to a stop, jerking us forwards at the sudden jerky stop.

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