Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes, and groaned as light shone into the room from a nearby window, hitting me right in the face. I scrunched up my eyes as I grabbed at my aching head, which pounded like a drum, before wiping the sleep from my eyes so I could get a better focus on the room around me.

I blinked a couple of times, before I gasped. I threw the blanket that was placed over me, to the side, and sat up way too fast that my head started pounding a little harder than before; making it a hundred times harder to make out the unfamiliar room around me. Where the heck was I? I don't remember a place like this?

I internally screamed as I slowly pushed myself onto my wobbly feet, my side aching terribly. I squeaked, when my side hurt way too much, and grabbed at the shirt, practically ripping it off my body to look at the injury hiding underneath it. I stared at the bandage that covered my lower abdomen, before my eyes landed on the strange shirt that I was wearing.

It was completely white, along with the strange pants that I was also wearing, and it seemed to be recently cleaned...

A quick image of Matthew's eyes flashed through my mind, making my headache not any better than it was before. I just need to stop thinking about what happened, and find out if everyone is ok...

I looked around the room once more, and noticed that I was not only in a different house, but I was on some sort of table, or desk. I pushed my terrible thoughts to the side, and slowly made my way over to the edge of the table to see how bad the situation really was. I stared down at the ground, and estimated that I was probably more than twenty-five feet off the ground. That sucks...

I pushed myself from the edge of the bed, and looked around the room once more, trying to come up with a good way of getting off this damn table. I wasn't planning on jumping, especially with an injury that might still be fragile, so I think I'll take my chances, and climb down the safer, more elegant kind of way, by using the bookshelf right next to the table.

I looked back down at the floor for a second, before dashing to the bookshelf. I skidded to a stop, and looked at it for a quick second, before heading over to the closest aligned board. I looked up at the nearest board of the bookshelf, which was probably like seven feet high from where I was, and maybe three feet from me.

I grumbled in annoyance as I looked at it, before rolling my eyes, and turning to walk a couple feet from the table edge. I looked at the bookshelf one more time, contemplating if this was actually a good idea or not. Probably not the best I've had, but it's worth a shot... It's better than breaking all my bones if I jumped off the table.

I took a shaky breath as I made a dash for it, jumping as soon as I got to the very edge of the table. I screeched as I hit the side of the board, my hands flailing to grab the edge right before I fell to my unlikely death.

With wide yes looking down at the ground, I quickly pulled myself up onto the bookshelf. I scrambled back from the edge, before running into something scratchy, startling me a little from the sudden contact. I screeched once again, and turned my head to look at the rope, or thread to these giants, before grinning evilly.

I grabbed at the rope, and pulled on it, quickly looking around to see if I could wrap it around something. My eyes landed on a pile of books, so I just took it. I pulled the rope around the books multiple times, before tying it off, and tossing the rest of the rope over the edge, and towards he ground.

As I was getting ready to slide down the rope, the door to the house opened, and I scrambled behind the pile of books, before anyone could see me. I sighed, and turned to look at who it was from behind the book, only to not recognize these people either.

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