Chapter 14

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"Ok, so here's the deal," Tobi said as he opened the door, to the house, slowly, and quietly. "I leave you all here, on the table, and you figure everything out. Is that good enough for you?"

"Yeah, that sounds good enough," I said, jumping off his hand, and onto the table. "You've already been a big help, so thank you for everything."

"Don't mention it," he said as I helped Becky off, and onto the table. "EVER."

"Ok, I won't," I sad, putting my hands in the air. "I won't tell anyone. Gosh!"

"Good," he sighed, pulling his hand away from the table. "I'll see you later."

"Ok, bye!" I shouted, waving at him as he left the house, leaving me, and my family on the table.

I put my hands down, and collapsed onto the table, grumbling in annoyance as I wiped sleep from my eyes.

"So... where are we sleeping?" Ester asked, walking over to me, placing a hand on my head. "I don't see a bed around here."

"I know..." I sighed, pushing myself back onto my feet, before heading to the edge of the table. "I just have to wake up Triston, and then we'll figure something out from there."

"Are you gonna be ok?" Chris asked, looking down to the ground. "You won't make him mad, right?"

"No... Totally not," I sarcastically laughed, moving back from the edge, and over to where I last saw some rope.

"He's going to kill you, isn't he?"

"Ok, look! Triston knows that I'm this kind of person, so you're gonna have to deal with it, ok? If he gets mad at me, that's great. I don't care," I sighed as I finally caught glimpse of the rope, hiding behind another one of his carpenter tools. "Besides, he would never hurt me."

"You don't know that!" Chris shouted, making me roll my eyes as I tossed the rope over the edge of the table. "He could actually kill you, if he found out that you brought your family to this place without his consent!"

"I'll be fine."

I grabbed onto the rope, and slowly made my way down to the floor, before running over to the stairs.

I looked up at them, before sighing. This was gonna be one hell of a time.


"Triston?" I called, slowly walking into his room, from the slightly creaked open door. "Triston, are you awake?"

"What do you want?" he grumbled, still half asleep.

"Um... I kinda broke Matthew out of jail, and brought my f-family here," I stuttered as he slowly turned his body around, his eyes landing on me from behind his covers. I squeaked a little, and moved back from the stare that he was giving me.

"You broke Matthew out of jail?" Triston muttered. "Why would you do that?"

"Um... Are you ok?" I asked, obviously confused that he wasn't angrier at me.

"Yeah... why?" he asked, wiping some sleep from his eyes as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

"I just thought that you would be angrier," I replied, twiddling my fingers from behind my back. "You know...? Because I broke him out of jail, and then brought my family here without your consent."

"I'm not gonna kick you out, if that's what you're asking," he grumbled. "I'm just... I'm just a little tired, and out of it at the moment that I don't really care. Besides, your family is pretty ok, and I'm hoping that they don't make a mess."

"Well... that's also another thing. I need a place for them to sleep," I sighed. "I don't care where I sleep, I just need them to have a place to sleep."

"Ok..? What do suggest?"

"Maybe... they could sleep in your room, or you could lend us a couple blankets to make a fluffy bed? Just something..."

"I can set up your bed in here... I can sleep on the floor," he yawned as he pushed himself up from the bed, moving to his closet to grab some blankets.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "You don't have to do that if you don't want to."

"The sooner I get back to sleep, the better," he grumbled, tossing some blankets onto the floor, along with a spare pillow. "So... where's your family? I'll carry them to the bed, and then I'll let you be. Sound good?"


He slowly walked over to me, leaned over, and picked me up from the ground, before carrying me out of his room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

He carefully set me down on the table, before moving around the room, as if he was looking for something, before coming back over to me.

"Ok... I want to get back to sleep, so everyone on, before I change my mind," Triston huffed, placing his hand on the table.

I helped my family onto his hand, but I just stood on the table, watching as Triston moved, not even realizing that I was on, before walking up the stairs, and to his room, leaving me behind. But, it didn't matter though... I was planning on staying up a little anyways to think about things.

"Thought you wanted to sleep..." Triston grumbled as he slowly made his way down the stairs, and towards the table with a pillow, and blanket in hand.

"I did... but I have to think of a way to keep Matthew from getting found out, along with my family," I sighed, scratching my head.

"Then why did you bring them here?" he asked, pulling up a chair, and setting himself down.

"There... There was something wrong with the woods that I can't really explain. I just had a really bad feeling while I was getting Matthew to the tree home. The feeling of someone watching me. I didn't like it, so I brought my family here."

"And you're hoping that it's safer?"

"I KNOW that it's safer. Not because we're surrounded by you, and your friends, but because I know that nothing has come close enough to this place with bad intentions."

"Well... I hope you're right about that," he sighed, placing his pillow on the table, and setting his head down on it. "I don't want Markl to have any more broken bones..."

"Yeah... Speaking of Markl. Why didn't you tell me that he was a wizard?" I asked, climbing up onto the pillow to rest.

"The people I hang out with are very... different from normal people. Tobi's a werewolf, Markl's a wizard, and Jason is Jason. We're all just different, and we like that we have a very large variety of species in this one group of friends. We all kind of just became really close for some reason."

"How did you meet?"

"Well... Jason has been a really good friend of mine, since I was very young, and Tobi... kind of came after we got in our teens. He really helped us with our depression. Mine, because of my mother's death, and Jason, because of personal reasons that I cannot tell you. Markl didn't really need help, because he was still a little kid."

"So... Jason's back story is really personal that you can't even tell it?"

"Yeah. It's not a good backstory either... But, all I can tell you is that he may seem like a really big tough-guy, but he's not. He's a coward, because of what happened to him. That's all I can tell you, sorry."

"No, I totally understand. Please don't be sorry!"

"Alright, then I'm not."


"Now... I would like to sleep," he sighed as he closed his eyes. "So, please be quiet, and go to sleep yourself."

"Ok, I will," I yawned, lying down into the pillow.

"Goodnight Malissa..."


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