Meeting the guild! {Chapter 6}

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Y/n's POV
Master Makorov and I got up from the river bank and began to walk back towards the guild hall. God... What if they hate me, what of they ignore me forever, what if- STOP IT BRAIN you'll be fine I thought to myself as I followed master to the door. He looked at as we got to the door, "Ready to meet the guild?" He asked, I nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be" I assured him, he smiled as he opened the door, we walked in and went towards the bar.

"Hey Y/n!" I looked and at the bar was Natsu and Happy drinking a milkshake. I smiled as I sat down next to them, "Let me get Mira to out the emblem on you, I'll be right back" Makorov said as he ran towards the stage. "You got in! Awesome!" Natsu said, "Aye sir!" Happy agreed. "What are you yelling about Flame-for-brain?" Grey walked up behind them, "What did you say Freeze Boy?" Natsu retorted, I could tell it was going to turn into a fight soon, so I just ignored them and waited.

"Hey there!" I turned to see a blue haired girl, she was about as tall as Lucy in orange. "Hello" I said politely, "So I've heard from Natsu and Lucy that your something called a Lightning Dragon God Slayer?" she asked, this raised my interest What does this girl wanna know? I should at least get her name first "Hey, can I get your name first" I asked, "Oh, sorry, my names Levy! What's yours?" she put her hand out to shake, I shook her hand lightly, "Names Y/n, so  about your question. Your correct, what's your interest?" I asked, "I only have 1 for now, Did he disappear 14 years ago (remember this is X791, not X784), on the 7th day of the 7th month. In the year X777?" she asked, this got my attention in an instant. "How did you know this?" I asked in a stern voice. "All of the dragon slayers dragons went away on that day" Levy said. I just turned towards the bar and thought about it, "that can't be random" I said quietly. She nodded, "I'll leave you be to think about it" she said as she walked off in some random direction.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and there was a white haired girl in a red dress, beside her was Makarov. "This is Mira, she is one of the four S-class wizards in the guild" Makorov introduced her, she smiled and did a little wave, "Hi there, so your the new member of the guild?" She asked, I nodded. She doesn't look threatening at all, then again... Looks can be deceiving "Yes, my names Y/n, nice to meet you" I put out my hand, she did a light shake and smiled. "So, what color and where do you want your emblem?" She asked, I thought about it. "Hm... How about f/c on my right forearm?" I asked, she nodded as she put some kinda pad to my skin. I didn't feel anything, but when she pulled it off, the emblem was there. "What about me?" we turned and saw George with a confused look on his face. "How could we forget you little guy" Mira said with a smile as she pet him on the head. "What color?" she asked, "White!" George said enthusiastically, she smiled as she did the same thing to George's back. He smiled and jumped around and went back to the other exceeds. "Well, I should probably help take care of the bar, bye!" Mira said as she got up and walked to the bar.

I looked over at Natsu and Grey again to see what they were doing, as I guessed they were fighting, eventually the rest of the guys joined in except for myself, and a blonde hair guy with a Lightning Scar on his face watching it. I decided to walk over to him and meet him. "Not joining the fight?" i asked, he looked over at me, "I guessing your new around here?" He asked, I nodded. "Well, the names Laxus, the lightning dragon slayer" he said, "Y/n, the lightning dragon god slayer" I said, he looked over with a confused look, "Dragon god?" he asked, "Don't ask" I said, he nodded. "And to answer your question, I'm not joining this fight because someone knocked over Erza's cake, and I don't want to be part of the trouble when they level the hall" Laxus said, I nodded.  So don't join the fight when they knock down Erza's cake, got it Just as he said, Erza joined the fight an things got pretty rough.

Eventually the fight ended with everyone exhausted or ready for a beer. I decided to stay sober, just for a little while though,  I went towards the stage and sat down on the edge. I was still thinking though,  If all the dragons disappeared on the same day in the year X777, then where did they all go? "Something in your mind?" I turned around  and saw  Wendy sitting next to me. "Nah, nothing important. What are to doing up here, shouldn't you be with your friends?" I asked, "But your one of my friends, and I wouldn't be talking? You should be getting super drunk right now" Wendy smiled, I smiled back. "Eh... Not one to get drunk I the first day" I said, she nodded. "Well, maybe you should get some sleep somewhere?" Wendy said, I looked at the time, it was after sunset: "Maybe, I'll see you tomorrow them" I said,  I got up. "Do you have anywhere to sleep?" she asked concerned. "I'll just rent a apartment for the night" I said as I began to walk out.

"Y/n?" I turned around to see George there, "Hey George, we should probably get home, ok?" I said, "Is it alright if I stay here  for the night?" He asked, I smiled and nodded. He jumped up and hugged me and ran off again, I smiled and walked out. I went towards the nearest apartment complex and rented a room for the night, I went in and flopped onto my bed. I looked my right arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming, the Fairy Tail emblem was still there, I smiled, I can't believe it.... I'm actually in a guild was my last thought as I fell to sleep.

A/n- Hope you guys and gals enjoyed this chapter, Have a nice day!- XboxR3x

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