The Saviors {Chapter 3}

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F/c- favorite color
S/f/c- second favorite color

Natsu's POV
Lucy, Grey, Erza, Wendy, Happy, Carla, and I were walking on a path towards Crokas, we had a job near there so we decided that we should stop by. "Hey guys, how do you think the princess is doing?" Lucy asked, "I don't know, maybe we'll see eachother" Wendy commented. "Yeah, and this job is close, so it shouldn't be that hard" Grey suggested. "How long did take you to figure that out, icy" I laughed, "WHO ARE YOU CALLING ICY? PYRO!" Grey yelled back, we bashed our heads together, "FROSTBITE""LIZARD BREATH""CHILL-" Erza bashed our heads together, "That's enough from both of you" Erza commanded, "Y-Yes mam" we both said, I get she can be nice and all, but she can be SUPER SCARY I thought, "Well I'm glad one person can straighten you two out" Carla said. We were walking past Saratoga village when we heard a loud roar, as if a battle was going on in the fields, "What do you think that was?" Lucy asked, "I don't know, but I think we should find out" I said as I an towards the noise, I could here everyone else following behind me. When we got there, the fields were on fire, All that food... WHY?! I almost shed a tear until I saw what caused it, some kinda demon, made of fire, and there were four of them, and some guy in the middle. "Stay low, let's figure out what's going on" Erza said, "But-" Erza gave me a death glare. I listened and stayed low. "This could be a challenge" the guy said, he looked 18, he had h/c hair, and wore f/c shirt and s/f/c pants. "Giving up already-" the demon thing in the middle started, his voice was low, as if piercing into my soul. "I never said that" the guy said, he monster seemed intrigued, "LET'S DO THIS!" He yelled, LIGHTNING DRAGON GOD ROAR, a gigantic wave of some kinda lightning magic roared through his mouth at the demon on his left side, killing it in a instant. Everyone else seemed as interested in this as I was. "What the? Light Dragon GOD? What does that mean?" Wendy asked,  "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's powerful" Grey commented, "We'll have to see then" Erza said, we continued watching the fight.

Y/n's POV
After I killed the one on the left, the one in the middle seemed to get pissed, the flames he produced got a lot hotter than before. Damnit, this is hot "What, don't like the heat, you shouldn't have done that!" It yelled as the right one lunged forward at me, swinging for my chest, I blocked and swung for his stomach, landing a hit as he flew back, his friends caught him before he could fly back too far. My hand felt like it was burning, so I lit my hands up with my dragon is lightning, it's partially blue and partially black. All three of the remaining demons rushed me, I stood defensively barely able to stay ahead of them, landing very few hits on them. Eventually my magic began to run low, and I became tired, every block go me two hits from the other demons. I managed to get away, sucking in as much as as possible, but they laughed. "I told you you had a death wish" that demon said. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" All of us looked over to see a guy with pink hair, a scarf and a sleeveless shirt. I could see a emblem on his arm, the Fairy Tail Emblem. Guild Wizards? What are they doing here? "And what do you think your gonna do!" The demon launched a bunch of fire at him, but it swirled around him, he was eating it. "Wow, this stuff taste awful, no wonder you guys are so low" he said, I knew it, the hair, the scarf... That's Igneel's son, Natsu, the fire dragon layer I looked in awe. ICE MAKE LANCE a shirtless guy used ice-make magic to launch it at the demons, they jumped back, trying to avoid getting hit, but failed. "You leave him alone you meanies!" A younger girl, with blue hair ran over next to them. SKY DRAGON WING ATTACK All of the demons went flying back, and in the air, poof? There's no other way to say it, they just disappeared No way, that's sky dragon slayer magic, meaning she must be Grandeney's daughter "Hey, are you alright?" I looked to see a girl with blond hair, a bunch of zodiac keys on her side. "I'm fine, thanks for the help" I straight myself out, my shirt was full of holes. "Oh my, your side looks badly cut" I put my hand on my side, and winced at the pain, I pulled it off to see my hand was covered in blood. "Appears yours right" I said, "Here, let me help, I can use healing magic" Grandeney's daughter said, she put her hands out and a green swirl formed around them, she out them close to my side and I instantly felt relief in my side. In about a minute she pulled her hands away, I put my hand to my side again and felt no pain what so ever. "Thank you... Uh, what's your guys names?" I asked, "Oh, I'm Wendy, this is Natsu, Grey, Lucy, Erza, oh and the exceeds are happy and Carla" Grandeney's daughter then pointed to each of her members. First Natsu, then the shirtless guy, then the blond, then the red head, finally she pointed to the blue and then to the white cat. I nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Y/n" I said, we all exchanged handshakes and such. "So what were you doing fighting these things anyways?" Natsu asked, "I was hired to take care of- You know what" I took out the flyer and handed it to Natsu, "You guys should get the reward" I said, "What, no way, you helped too, you should get at least part if it" Lucy said, "No, I insist, you-" I started "Well we insist you keep it" Erza said handing me back the flyer, I sighed. "Well, if your not gonna take it, at least let my by a dinner for you guys, it's the least I could do" I said, after a little while of arguing over it, I eventually won. "Good, now I'm gonna collect the reward, and I'm gonna get you a bite to eat, come on" I said as I waved them to follow.

A/n- Hope you guys and gals enjoyed this chapter, have a nice day! -XboxR3x

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