Chapter 2

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NOTES It's a short chapter but hopefully, gets to the point.

PEARL:Oh, please, Peridot, you're DONE!

Pearl then pushed her spear into Peridot's gem, cracking it easily, Peridot whimpered in pain, as she felt the blade enter her gem and more green liquid burst out because of this.

PEARL: The least you could do is hold still...and be a little more dignified about it!

Peridot screamed as Pearl's blade ripped through her gem and into her head, the pain becoming unbearable, her whimpering cries of pain slowly becoming faint and the cracking noise was easily heard and bits of Peridot's gem liquid spat over Peridot's face but this didn't seem to bother her...


The voice was familiar...Pearl felt like the whole world had stopped because of this simple shouting of her name, she turned her head in horror, to see Steven standing at the door way, horrified at what he was seeing. Pearl then pulled the spear out of Peridot's head...the green gem gave out her last soft whimper of pain as she slumped lifeless on the floor...

STEVEN: What are you doing?

A dark cloud had covered over Pearl within seconds...she looked back at the lifeless Peridot, watching the green ooze flow out of the dead gem...she then looked back at Steven, who was almost sick to his stomach. Pearl didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do...but all she could think that she did this for him...and in some ways, for Rose Quartz...

PEARL: S-Steven...? I...

STEVEN: Oh my God...

PEARL: Steven, you must understand!

STEVEN: You...killed her...

PEARL: I...I did this for...(Tries to change the subject) She hurt you!

STEVEN: (Turns away from Pearl) But she didn't deserve this!

PEARL: I did this for you...


PEARL: (Starts to shake) You...don't understand...


PEARL: STEVEN! (The shouting doesn't grab his attention as such) Your mum wanted...(Shakes her head) I mean, I did this for you!


Steven turns around slowly, not wanting to see what had happened in front of him, he thought this was a strange dream but it wasn't. His eyes first focused on Peridot, lying on the floor...her eyes were closed like she was asleep, like she was at peace but the green liquid still pouring out of her gem reminded him of the pain that Peridot went through before darkness covered her. He couldn't look at Pearl...he just couldn't. Pearl bowed her head, as if she had disappointed someone...but she gripped her spear tightly as well as her other hand clenched as tight as it could...and gritted her teeth.

PEARL: Your...mother...would've wanted this. Your mother would've killed anyone who threatened her or this planet...

STEVEN: (Crying) But...Peridot did neither. She...s-surrendered. My mother wouldn't have done this.

PEARL: (Scorns) You know NOTHING! What do you know? You don't know anything what we went through to protect this planet! We saw our allies die in front of us...friends. We were at war...(Kicks Peridots lifeless body) Gems like her, show no mercy!

STEVEN: (Still crying) But that was thousands of years ago, it's...n-not like that anymore...


STEVEN: BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HER! (Points at Peridot) She was scared...we could've helped her...understand.

PEARL: (Chuckles) And yet, you don't...

STEVEN: My mum only...k-killed when she had to. She...still gave second chances to everyone.

PEARL: (Sarcastically) You think you know your mother just because you watched some stupid video tape. Your wrong, Steven. Oh, you are so wrong...

Pearl turns away from Steven and then starts stabbing Peridot all over her body, each impact from the spear made more green blood burst out of Peridot. Each stab at the body became more aggressive than the last, cracking her body and shattering different parts of her body. Steven couldn't watch this anymore, he couldn't take it anymore...Pearl wasn't stopping, she kept on stabbing at Peridot. Steven had enough, his anger grew and produced a pink shield, he then spins around before chucking it at Pearl, the plain gem had no chance to dodge as the solid pink shield smacked her across the face, knocking her onto the floor but also making her drop her spear...which then oddly disappeared. The pink shield then came back to Steven, who caught it with ease before it disappeared into his hands like dust. Pearl managed to push herself up, a little dazed but now on her hands and knees.

STEVEN: A part of mum is in me, Pearl! What you've done is wrong and I bet if my mum was here, she would disown you!

Pear started to laugh, it was soft at first but then it became almost mocking before her laughter was a little maniac. The laugh didn't give Steven any comfort but became more worried. This didn't sound like the Pearl he knew and loved.

PEARL: Rose...

Steven looked around, a little more worried than usual as he wasn't sure if Pearl was talking to him.

PEARL: What have you become, Rose? (Again, Steven wasn't sure how to react) You've become weak, you're not the leader that homeworld should be afraid of...(Laughs) You're a joke! At least you aren't a coward like Peridot. A traitor...someone who couldn't even do a simple mission. We dispose traitors...(Sighs) Hearing Peridot scream in pain was a little...arousing...but maybe hearing your gem crack, hearing your scream will be even better...

STEVEN: Pearl...?

PEARL: Do you know what special quality Yellow Diamonds followers have...?

STEVEN: Special...wha...? What are you talking about...?

PEARL: We are all...(Turns around, her eyes are yellow) FLAWED!

STEVEN: Pearl, your eye's...! What's with your...e-eye's?

PEARL: (Her face was slowly turning into a yellowy colour) But you would know everything about being flawed, don't you, Rose? Because you failed to accept your position, you failed homeworld...and you failed...Pink Diamond. She trusted you....and you just...SHATTERED HER!

STEVEN: (Shaking) Wait...y-you're not Pearl!

NOTES: I'll leave it there for now. I might just expand this story, I mean I wasn't going to just leave it like that on a simple cliff-hanger, as I had another chapter in mind but now, I may do a few more chapters. Depending if you readers want more...but please remember, I have other stories in the works and can only do so much.

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