Chaos Magic - Reading and websites

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I got asked to do this... years ago, and always ended up feeling like I was flailing trying to cover everything. In another group I was just asked to list off a few things for beginners and this was the resulting list including input from other members, and its a pretty good starting point. - Readers

What is Chaos Magic? Seriously more loaded than what is Paganism. It's practitioner dependant, but simply put it is a system for practicing magic mcuh akin to any other system. Chaotes apply magical paradigms as they're useful and move on when/if they are not. There's strong emphasis on the development gnostic states to effect change, but it's not the be all and end all either. Research and experimentation are both highly regarded things amongst practitioners.

It is NOT the practice of picking things up and dropping them willy nilly as you please. In fact such behaviour is frowned upon as being somewhat dangerous at worst and frivilous and useless at best.

Reading materials...

Chaos Primers:

Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic by Peter J Carroll

Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine (free on his website)

Prime Chaos by Phil Hine (well pratically anything by Phil Hine)

More advanced chaos based works:

Liber Kaos (not for beginners) by Peter J Carroll

Recommended books for general magical practice:

Modern Magic by Donald Kraig

Magical Ritual Methods by Willian Gray

City magic (there tends to be a strong current of city based practice):

Urban Primitive by Raven Kaldera & Tannin Schwartzstein

Post Modern Magic - Patrick Dunn

City Magick - Christopher Penczak 

General Reading: 

Invisibles by Grant Morrison (comic book applying chaos magic in fictional setting)

Hex Generation - ED. Jason Louv ( a series of essays/missives from modern practitioners)


Phil Hine's website. In archive now, but a good source of information:

Barbelith Temple Area (The archives are worth looking through, and the search function actually works): 

Grant Morrison's Pop Magic (fast, light, and yet highly informative):

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