Watching the same movie over and over

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*Rewatching Hamilton for the fifth time* H-Huh? O-Oh! Hi! This is their reaction to the revolution...I mean to your constant movie watching.

Natsu: That movie again? Are you serious?

Gray: You keep watching that movie over and over again...It's good at the first and second time you watched it but now it's just getting boring.

Gajeel: *lifts you up* *turns off TV* *sets you on bed cuddles you so you can't move*

Jellal: Please stop watching! It's not very healthy!

Sting:Argh! Not that again!

Rogue: Why are you so obssessed in watching that over and over again.

Laxus: That's it! *Turns off TV* You never cuddle with me anymore!

Loke: *Turns off TV* *drags you outside* Look at the stars darling...They're more beautiful, but your the most beautiful of course!

Zeref: *sigh* *Turns off TV* *Oooh-La-la magic happens!*

*cuddles pillow*

Laxus: *hugs Author*


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