Chapter 1

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Authors note

Please forgive me for writing this, it will be terrible.

I do not own fairy tail or any of the characters.

By the way forgive me for making weissologia an ass.

Sting's POV

I stretched my arms up in the air after finally completing my homework "mmm uggh" I sighed "all done, maybe I should call yukin..."

Knock knock "master sting, your father has requested you presence".

"Got it, got it..." I murmured before stifling a yawn "wonder what he wants now" I thought.

"Hey Freed, how's it going?"

"Not too bad master sting"

"I told you before just 'sting' is fine" I retorted "anyway been down to the kitchens yet" I said with a wink and a nudge making fun of his special relationship with the head chef, Laxus, which they both fail at hiding. "I do not know what you mean master sting"

"Sure you don't" I said with my voice dripping with sarcasm "anyway I'll talk to you later better go address the fearsome beast, is he majorly pissed?"

"He didn't seem to be, but be careful we both know what he can be like" I shuddered at the memories of the fearsome wrath of the mighty beast which is my father, Weissologia.

I rushed down the stairs (not easy considering how large the house and that my house is on the 4th floor) to try and avoid annoying my father.

"y-y-yo dad" I stuttered trying to see how pissed he was and to figure out what I'd done this time.

"Hello sting, also don't stutter and use proper English when talking next time please"

"Sure you got it" he seemed to be in a good mood? Or at least a better mood than normal.

"Thank you, also don't run down the stairs next time. You'll damage the wood" this man and his constant criticisms... "I didn't want to make you wait longer then nesserccery, father" I replied in my most innocent, 'look at me I'm the perfect son' voice I could muster.

"Enough with the idle conversation." There it is, my dad's 'straight down to business' mode "here is Rogue" he pointed to the before unnoticed boy next to him.

"Hi rogue... umm what about him" I questioned confused by my dad's habit of only half explaining things.

"Uggh" he sighed obviously annoyed by my, understandable, lack of understanding "he's yours."

"Wait what! I don't know what you think I'm into but..."

"Imbecile! I mean he's your personal servant" he exclaimed now pissed at my 'stupidity'.

"Ehhh but what about Freed..."

"He works for the whole household not just you, as you expand towards the business world you will need someone working for just you" 

"But still..."

"I'm going back to work. Rogue report to Freed he'll tell you what to do then come to my office at the end of the day." He shouted before continuing to mumble angrily as he walked back to his office.



Its done I think...?

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