[Chapter 17] - Unraveled

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Alyssa was taken into the ZPD for interrogation. She sat behind a glass wall in a metal seat. Nick, Judy, Austin, Kathy, and Bogo all sat on the other side of the glass.

"This is crazy! I've never seen these officers in my life!" Alyssa pleaded.

"Actually, Ms. Frost, we believe you have," said Bogo. In his hoof was a small remote. He pressed a button on the remote, and instantly, video footage popped up on a TV in the room. It showed Alyssa outside of her cake shop smoking a cigarette whilst talking to Nick.

Alyssa began to stutter.

"And," Bogo continued. "We've seen footage of you entering the tunnels. After further investigation, we've found your DNA in the tunnels. Face it, Ms. Frost, you've been caught."

Alyssa gave up attempting to defend herself. "Fine! I have been working with the criminals. But it's too late now. They have their orders."

"What orders?"

"Are you an idiot chief? Why would i tell you that?"

Bogo walked over to a lever that was placed on the wall. He pulled it down, and instantly, a shock of electricity was sent to the chair Alyssa was sitting in. Her fur became frizzed and she shook violently. When the shock ended, she was panting heavily. When she refused to answer again, several more shocks were delivered to her, so many that it caused her to pass out.

"That's enough for today," Bogo said.

Nick and Judy stared at him in shock. They had no idea just how malicious he could be.

"This was justified," he said. "She threatened the safety of our city. We still don't know the plans she assigned to her army, so until we do, keep your ears open."

As soon as the whole ordeal had taken place, memories began to flood back to Judy. Yes, she remembered now. She remembered the warehouse, being captured, tortured...

She spilled everything to the officers in the room. They listened intently, and when she had finished, they stared for a few brief moments.


Nick and Judy sat in their apartment. Nick kept asking Judy if she was okay, if there was anything she needed, and if anything was troubling her. She tried to assure him that she was okay, but, Nick having such a compassionate heart, would not leave her alone.

News was all over Zootopia about Alyssa's plans. She was now in prison. The only candidate remaining was to be sworn into position of mayor in less than a week. The ZPD's main priority was finding out the plans of Alyssa's army, as well as tracking down any possible members that may have contributed to her plan.

As the day until the swearing in of the new mayor drew nearer, tensions and worry began to rise. Everyone feared for the safety of their soon to be new leader as well as their own selves. Not a single piece of evidence as to where the criminals, now being called Frost Army (a corny name, Nick and Judy thought), were. The ZPD scanned their base for any clues, but, even after many days, no traces were found. Each member seemed to have disappeared into Zootopia without a hint if they were to continue on with Alyssa's assigned plan.

Time flew by before the new mayor was sworn in. Nick and Judy had been assigned security during the ceremony. Both of them were nervous, as well as all other members of the security team. They had no idea what to expect; would there be another attack? It should be impossible. They were in a dome with metal detectors and shut windows. ID checks were required to enter the building so that no one would be able to sneak past security.

The ceremony progressed with no faults. The new mayor was elected and that was that.

From there, Frost Army was never seen again. Weeks progressed as the city of Zootopia returned to it's normal way. Nick and Judy went to the ZPD, began solving cases again, filing paperwork, and doing their normal job.

Everything seemed to be normal once again.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! To be clear, this IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. There is still another part or two before the story ends, and after that, a sequel! This chapter was a bit short but it was sort of a conclusion to the whole Alyssa case. The next part will be published soon and hopefully the release date of the sequel will be revealed!

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