I Hope That You're Okay

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“Ms.Houston? Can you hear me?” The nurse said as they rushed her through the hospital doors.

She tried to speak, but for some reason she couldn't. She was awake for some time, but with everything going on around her, she passed out. Minutes later, Michael raced through the doors and up to the desk. He demanded to know where Whitney was and started to run through the hospital. One male nurse tried to calm him down. He was about six-three, and really tall compared to Michael. His family and friends came running in and tried their best to calm him down. Eventually, he was calm enough so that the nurse could explain what happened. She walked them into a waiting room and sat everyone down.

“My Name Is Krystle.” She started off. “Whitney isn't seriously hurt, and there's nothing life threatening. She called the police and told them that she didn't know where she was and didn't remember how she got there. They used their GPS tracker, and saw that she was in an abandoned house in the woods. The operator told her that a helicopter was being sent out to the area since it would take to long for an ambulance to get there.”

Michael got up and started to pace back and forth. “So you mean to tell me that some lunatic man, took her from her house, and did who knows what with her?!”

“We don't know that for sure, but you'll be able to see her in a few hours. She's going through surgery right now. As soon as she's finished, i’ll lead you to her room.” The nurse gave them their privacy, but kept them updated on Whitney’s condition.

Everyone was in the waiting room panicking. They waited for what seemed like an eternity.e It had only been two hours since she had went into surgery. The nurse came back into the room and pulled Michael aside. He was told that Whitney successfully made it out of surgery, but was still sleeping. The nurse led Cissy and Michael to the recovery room. There was soft music playing, and laying on the bed, was an unrecognizable girl. They knew that it was Whitney but she looked completely different.

Cissy broke into tears and fell to the floor. One of the doctors from the hallway came in to help her up. She was hooked up to many different machines and had been sleeping for a few hours. It was like living in your worst nightmare. He walked towards the edge of the hospital bed, and watched as she slept. He tried to be strong, but the thought of someone taking her when he was upstairs peacefully sleeping, was too much for him. Even though he knew she wasn't awake, he decided to talk to her anyways.

“I can’t imagine how much pain you're in.” He said as a tear ran down his face. “I honestly don't know what i’ll do without you! I hope that you're okay.” He continued to talk to her for about five minutes. Cissy had went back into the waiting room since she didn't want to see her daughter so badly hurt. Michael started to cry and held her hands.

While he was crying, he heard a faint voice start to speak. “Don’t worry, i’m fine.”

At first he thought it was all in his head, but when her hands began to move, he excitedly screamed for everybody to come into the room. Following the screams, Nurse Krystle came in to make sure everything was going alright. Her friends and family had to continue waiting in the hallway until they were sure she was fine. Three more unidentified nurses came in to do a few more tests. It was now safe for everyone to come see her.

She was fully aware of her surroundings and recognized everybody in the room. It was starting to get dark outside. They knew they had to leave in a few, so they all prayed for her and wished for a speedy recovery. Michael told Cissy that she could go home and clear her mind Michael and Whitney were left in the room alone. Nurse Krystle would occasionally come in and make sure Whitney wasn't getting worse. She had seven stab wounds on her arms, two on her stomach, and her ankle was sprained. Whitney tried to act as if nothing had happened to her because she was glad to still be alive.

Around ten in the morning, Michael and Whitney were awaken by a loud knock on the door. Michael was tired and stressed out but got up to open the door. He saw a woman in a gray suit waiting to come in.

“Is it alright if I come in and ask Whitney a few questions.” She asked and made eye contact with her as she sat up in her bed. Michael stepped aside so that she could walk in and sat beside Whitney.

“Hi Whitney, my name is Susan. I know you've been through a lot the last couple of days, but we need to try our best to figure out who did this to you. Can you start off by telling me what you remember?” She said and opened her pocket so that she could get her notepad and pen out.

Whitney took a deep breath and began to tell her what happened. “I don’t remember much. I know that I was sleeping on the couch, and Michael came downstairs to put my favorite blanket on me. I slept for a while but then I started to hear a noise coming from downstairs. At first I thought something fell, but as I got closer to the door, it started to get louder. I opened the basement door, and all of a sudden it stopped.”

“Do you remember anything else Ms.Houston?” She said while writing everything down.

“I went downstairs and tried to turn on the lights but for some reason they weren’t working. There weren’t any flashlights in the house so I just continued to go down the steps. Everything looked normal except for the window that was open, but I figured that one of the guys must’ve forgot to close it. I went over to close it and I remember getting hit on the head with something extremely hard. He held my mouth and dragged me out of the house.” She said and started to cry.

“Alright, I think that’s enough for right now.” Michael said.

“Thank you for your time. I hope you get better and we’ll try our best to figure out who did this to you.” Susan said while she gathered her things and headed out.

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