Sweat It

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Whitney and Michael have now been dating for four months. She’s two months into her tour and Michael has been with her every step of the way. So far, she has performed in Miami, Vienna, Mansfield, New York City, and Atlantic City. It was early in the morning and they were preparing to get on their next flight to Europe. They were walking through the airport when Whitney ran to the nearest bathroom. Michael and Robyn followed after her and she went in to go check on her. “Whitney?” She called out for her and checked the stalls. She was bent down by the toilet and when she walked into the stall she began to cry. She went out to tell Michael what was happening and another noise came out from the bathroom. They both ran in and since it was a girls bathroom, he locked the door behind him.

Michael ran into the stall and helped her get up. He wiped her face and Robyn left them alone to talk. About thirty minutes later she came out of the bathroom. They were both smiling and it seemed as if nothing was wrong with them. Robyn followed behind them and called Toni..

“She ran into the bathroom and just threw up. She’s better now that Michael talked to her but what do you think?” Robyn said.

“I told her we’d be babysitting next.” Toni laughed. “ Michael changed her life. Why else we should be sick all of a sudden.”

    “I don’t know. Hopefully she’ll tell me once we land in Europe. She better be ok for this tour! I have to go though, talk to you later.” Robyn hung up and went onto the plane.

    On the plane, Michael sat next to Whitney and they were in first class. After the nine hour flight to Europe, they got off and went to a Hotel. They all shared the same hotel room and it was vast and beautiful. Whitney didn’t have to perform until Friday night and it was Wednesday, so Michael asked her out to dinner. Robyn wanted to stay at home so they can have the night to themselves. Robyn helped Whitney get ready and Michael went out to find a good restaurant. Whitney tried on many different outfits and Robyn finally felt comfortable talking to her about earlier.

    Robyn walked to the side of the bed and sat down. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

    “Sure, what’s wrong?” Whitney asked and sat beside her on the end of the bed.

    “I was just wondering why you were sick earlier. I called Toni and she suggested that you were pregnant.”

    “Why’d you think that?” She uttered.

Before Robyn could answer, Michael walked in. “Did I interrupt something?” He asked and sat his things down.

“Not really. Robyn and Toni think i’m pregnant because I threw up earlier. Everybody get’s sick once in awhile.” Whitney said and ended the conversation so that she could get ready.

Robyn sat in the living room with Michael and talked about the possibilities of her being pregnant. He knew that if she was pregnant, his father wouldn’t approve because he was a very religious man. Michael called Janet and discussed the likelihood of her being pregnant. She was extremely excited that she could possibly be an auntie. She was told not to tell the rest of the family because he wasn’t sure how they would react.  Ten minutes later, Whitney had finished getting ready for dinner.

Michael and Robyn were still talking about the situation when she walked into the living room. She had on a long black dress with diamonds on it. Most of the diamonds were at the top and it faded as they went down. Michael’s suit was black, sharp looking, and it fit well. Of course Robyn wanted to take pictures of them but Whitney was a little upset that they’d think she was pregnant. She had her whole life ahead of her and she was at the top right now. The thought of her being pregnant made her think that it would slow her down. Whitney and Michael took over thirty pictures together and went down the elevator to the lobby. It was completely silent in the elevator.

“Do you think you’re pregnant Whitney?” He nervously asked then looked at her.

“Everyone get’s sick. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.” She said annoyed. “Can we just talk about this some other time.”

Michael agreed. As soon as the elevator doors opened, they saw a group of people standing near the entrance. They tried to be as secretive as possible, but of course, when you’re a celebrity that isn’t attainable. The people quickly noticed them and ran over. Michael talked to them and tried to tell them that they were going out to dinner and didn’t want anymore attention drawn to them. The limo was parked outside and the driver drove them to the restaurant.

About an hour later they arrived at this oversized building. He parked across the street from the restaurant and they only had to walk a few feet. Michael took her to a place called “Astrance”. There were a few people there and they were all very nice. They gave the celebrities their space, and they felt normal for once. They ordered their food and after they finished eating, Whitney ordered desert. Michael observed that she was extremely hungry and ordered once again. After she finished eating she asked to go home so she could go to sleep. Michael wanted to take her to the movies but he just did as she asked. During the ride home it was extremely quiet and awkward. When they got back to the hotel, she went upstairs and went to sleep.

Whitney is preparing for her show in Verona, Italy and she has two more hours until it begins. She hasn’t spoken to Michael since their date night and she was trying her best to ignore him. She was getting her hair and makeup done when Michael rushed into the room. He threw down a pregnancy test and ordered for her to take it. She acted as if he wasn’t there and went out of the room. She started to walk towards the entrance and saw hundreds of fans. They were chanting her name and trying their best to get inside. Michael ran after her and grabbed her arm so that she could pay attention to him. You could see the pain in her eyes and tears began to stream down her face.

“Listen, I know you're upset but just trust me. I only want what’s best for you.” He kissed her cheek and walked her towards her dressing room. “I only want what’s best for you.”

The show was starting in about thirty minutes and she came out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test. Robyn tried to make her feel better while they waited for the results. After waiting five minutes, Michael suggested that she see what’s on the test. She was terrified but tried her best to stay calm about. She looked at the test and stared at it for about a minute.

“See!” She faced the test towards them. “It’s negative.”

She threw the test back on the table and walked out of the room. She had to start her show in five minutes and thousands of fans were in the crowd cheering her name. There was a TV in the dressing room, so they were going to watch her show in there. Michael prefered to go backstage but if he was seen by the fans, they would go crazy. Whitney performed over ten songs and she always ended the show with her iconic song, “I Will Always Love You”.

Michael was positively sure that she was pregnant and it was on his mind the whole night. He talked with it about Robyn and he told her to just wait a few days. He bought more than one pregnancy test so he decided that he’d give her another one when they went back to Indiana. Throughout the night, she sang her heart out to her devoted fans and finished the show off with one of their favorite songs. The show was finally over and she knew she had a very long flight back to Indiana. They packed up all of their things and headed home.

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