Love Notes

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It's Friday night, and Whitney only has a few hours to get ready. She called over a few of her girlfriends to help her prepare for her dinner with Michael. Earlier in the week, she went to the mall with Robyn and her mother to find an outfit. “I’m coming out!” She sang to the tune of Diana Ross. Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, Toni Braxton, Mariah Carey, and Robyn Crawford waited for her as she walked down the stairs still singing. When she came into her huge, purple and white decorated living room, everyone was astonished. She had on a beautiful, long red dress and silver 6 inch heels. Her hair was long with loose curls. Michael called her the night before and said that he’d have a limo pick her up at eight. She didn’t know where they were going but Janet told her she'd enjoy the night. They were all taking pictures with her when they heard a knock at the door.  

“You’re about to have him hooked!” Toni laughed. “With a voice like yours and your beautiful looks, he’ll be yours in no time.

“Relax. We’re just frien—”

“When I hear wedding bells in the future I’ll gladly say I told you so. Then you’ll be asking us to babysit!” Toni expressed making the girls laugh again.

“We'll see! How do I look?” She asked everyone as she rushed to get her things together. The doorbell rang again and they walked closer towards the door.

“You look fine now hurry up and get the door.” Janet said.

They all went back into the living room and hid so that Michael couldn't see them. She opened the door and there he was, standing on her porch in a prepossessing white tuxedo. He bought a single rose and a box of chocolate for her. Janet and the girls had their eyes glued on the two of them as they talked momentarily. Before he escorted her to the limo, she ran back in and told her close friend Mariah to lock up for her once they left. It was shortly after nine, and the driver told Michael that the’d be at the restaurant in 15 minutes. They finally arrived and Michael led him to a secret door so that they could get in without the press watching them. The restaurant was called “Azul” and it was one of his favorite places! Whitney didn't hear about it before but they both agreed that it was one of the fanciest restaurants they had ever seen. Even though there were only a few people there and it was kind of late, Michael arranged for them to have a table separated from all the others.

When they went inside the elegant restaurant, they spotted a man who looked to be in his thirties, playing classical music on stage. The lights were faint and in the middle of every table was a lit candle. Their waitress's name was Tatum O’Neal. She handed them a menu and went to the back to get their drinks. About two minutes later, she came back with Michael’s glass of Sprite and Whitney’s Strawberry Margarita. “I can't believe my two favorite artists are dating!” Tatum excitedly said. They both quickly confirmed that they were just friends enjoying some time out. Later in the night, they finished their dessert and Michael payed for everything. Whitney decided to leave a 200 dollar tip for Tatum and the manager since everything was so nice. Before leaving, they gave everyone autographs and even took a few pictures. Since the limo hadn't arrived yet, they sat together on a bench in front of Azul.

There were a bunch of bushes across the street then Michael saw a  flash come from one of them. Instantly, he knew it was the paparazzi and hated the way they acted towards him. He slowly started to get up and walked across the street. She finally perceived what he was doing and swiftly followed after him. He didn't understand how they'd talk about him one minute but would do anything to take pictures of him the next. The pictures would most likely be used along with some crazy made up story and he didn't want that. She understood but she didn’t want them to ruin their night. She tried to talk him out of it but eventually more paparazzi started to show up and it bothered him. It was chilly and gloomy out. As he angrily walked towards the crowd of people, they started to shout out questions. They noticed Whitney still sitting on the bench across the street. They shouted her name and she happily came over. Michael, on the other hand, was upset and tried to be as calm as possible.

“Are you dating Whitney?” A tall white lady asked. She had a camera and a microphone pointing towards his direction.

“Whitney, Whitney, Whitney!” A fan shouted from the chaotic crowd.

She was signing autographs for her fans and also taking pictures. The person shouting her name was a little girl. She had dark brown hair and big hazel eyes. She politely asked for Whitney and Michael’s autograph and got a picture! Her mother was also a big fan of them both and told them how much she loved and enjoyed their music. They signed autographs for about 10 minutes when more and more people ran up to the excited crowd. There were about 200 people already and there were still more fans running towards them. Michael grabbed Whitney’s hand since they didn't have their bodyguards with them. He briskly guided her to the oversized luxury limo and hundreds of fans followed. As soon as they got in, Michael instructed him to drive off. While they were talking, Whitney's phone started to ring. “Don’t answer it.” Michael said. It was a private number anyways so she just put her phone back into her red, Tory Burch Thea Mini Bag. Once the anonymous person called over five times, she angrily answered.

“Who are you and why do you keep calling?!” She shouted through the phone and watched as Michael snickerd. “It’s not funny.” Whitney said and turned her head so he couldn't see her laughing. She didn’t know who was on the phone because it was completely silent. You could hear them breath a couple of times, but after waiting for two minutes, she hung up. They called one more time and left a 25 second voicemail. She didn't bother to look at her phone again since she was convinced that it was the anonymous caller. Michael recommended that she change her number, but she had a bunch of interviews coming up and they needed to contact her with that number. Besides, it wasn't her personal number and she didn't think of it as a big deal. The driver pulled up to her house and Michael ran to Whitney's side of the door so e could open it.

“You are such a gentleman.” She smiled and reached for his hand. “Bobby never did these things for me. He's not really the romantic type I guess.”

Michael told the driver that he could go since he had planned on staying at her house for a while. “I’m not Bobby of course. It's obvious he doesn't know how to treat a queen.” He said to her while she unlocked the door. In between the door was a moderate, sky blue piece of paper. Michael watched as she bent down and picked it up.

“What does it say?” He asked peering over her shoulder.

“You are so nosey.” She laughed. She unfolded the piece of paper and started to read it out loud. “Dear Whitney, I told you I wasn't finished. I’m watching you as you read this so watch your back! Oh, and you're little friend, I've got got something for him too. Love, someone from the past. Michael walker in and slowly closed the door. They silently looked at each other for a few moments, then she walked into her arresting living room. Whitney thought precisely about the letter, but she had no idea who it could be. Michael suggested that they call the police again but she didn't think it was a good idea. Instead she wanted to call Bobby to see if he was the one leaving the outrageous letters and voicemails. While Whitney tried to get a hold of Bobby, Michael carelessly roamed through her house. She had a game room, a fancy pool room, and a ton of other rooms he wouldn’t think of having. Once he finished glancing at all of the rooms he went back into the living room and directed his attention towards Whitney. Her shoes were across the room and she was laying down on her white couch underneath her purple, fluffy blanket. He carried her upstairs and tucked her in bed. “Good night, Nippy.” He said then kissed her cheek.

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