Moment Of Truth

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Whitney has been busy rehearsing for The Bodyguard World Tour and it starts in a few weeks. She finished recording the soundtrack with Clive and it has sold over a million records in the first week! The Bodyguard Soundtrack has been on the charts for six weeks already and it seems as if everyone is in love with her. Cissy and Robyn came along while she practiced in Pennsylvania. She hadn't talked to her friends in a while and she was on break so she decided to call Michael. She nervously waited as the phone began to ring.

“Whitney! How've you been? Michael asked her.

“Good, just been rehearsing. How are you?” She asked.

“I’m doing fine. Your voice is perfection! No need to rehearse.” He chuckled and went to take the chocolate chips cookies out of the oven. “When’s the next day you think you'll be free?”

“Maybe tomorrow. I don't have to do anything on the weekend, I’ll probably just come back to Indiana tomorrow morning.” She sat down in a wooden, chocolate-colored chair and began to look through her magazine.

“Would you like to come to Neverland?” He happily asked. She agreed and expeditiously booked the next flight to Indiana.

Whitney is now at the airport waiting for Michael’s limo to pick her up. She was in a small, isolated corner eating peanuts when a fan spotted her and started to scream. She begged her not to be loud and she gave her a free album with her signature on it. She picked up her things and walked towards the entrance when a few more fans noticed her. Shortly after, there were tons and tons of people surrounding the airport. She was all over the news and dealt with the situation as best she could. She singed a lot of autographs but everyone wanted a picture with her. There were people encircling her until a few of her bodyguards pushed through the enormous crowd and guided her out. The limo was outside and he took long drive to Neverland.

About 3 hours later they make it to neverland. Before you could even get inside, there were rows of different flowers on each side of the road, leading towards this huge gate. Some people say it's like entering heaven. Above the gate was a black sign that said “Neverland” and it was written in gold. Above the sign was a king's crown and his name written below it. The driver punched in a code and the golden gates slowly opened. As soon as they swung open, it was like going to your favorite amusement park. We rode down this long brick road and stopped in front of his house. In the center of his yard was a floral clock. Around the top part of the clock was the word ‘Neverland” made up of yellow flowers. The driver politely opened up the door and let her out. He led her onto his porch and rang the doorbell. When he rang it, Remember The Time started to play. He waited for Michael to answer the door, then went back to go and park the limo. He fervently invited her in and gave her a tour inside of his house. Each room was very elaborate. He also had a ton of animals. Rats were just some of the animals he liked to care for. As a young boy, he owned dogs and reptiles. He had a line of stuff toys called Michael’s Pets. He had frogs, rabbits, snakes, ostriches, giraffes, llamas, and his favorite, bubbles the Chimp. His bedroom was very intricate. He showed her over 20 rooms until his doorbell rang again. The person eventually unlocked the door because they had a key.

There were two sets of white steps. Michael and Whitney raced down opposite sides of the stairs and into the kitchen, Janet and his mother Katherine, were sitting down drinking coffee. Whitney had never met her before, so Michael introduced them and they got along really well. Katherine started to talk about Michael and Janet’s father. His name is Joseph Walter “Joe” Jackson. He’s 88 years old and has been married to Katherine since 1949. She was interrupted by the sound of his doorbell again. “Is there a party at your house?” Whitney asked and took a chocolate chip cookie from the table . When he opened the door he saw Joe Jackson, Rebbie Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, La Toya Jackson, Marlon Jackson, and Randy Jackson. He secretly invited his whole family over because he had something special planned. Downstairs, there were purple and white decorations everywhere. He had a chocolate cake with purple icing and a picture of Whitney Houston on it. Everyone gathered in the kitchen and introduced themselves to Whitney. Once they finished, Michael made an announcement, They all knew why they were there except for Whitney. He was just waiting for a  few of her friends and they didn’t know why they were coming.

About a half an hour later, Aaliyah, Robyn, Toni, and Mariah rang the doorbell and  Remember The Time started to play. After they finished introducing themselves, Michael told them to go downstairs. Whitney was in the bathroom and came back down to an empty house. “Why’d they come and leave so fast.” She said and walked back into the kitchen. Michael looked at her and gripped her hand. He led her down the basement stairs and it was jet-black. Janet quietly counted to three so that everybody could hear and they all jumped up and yelled surprise. Jermaine had a camera and he recorded every moment of the day. When it was about time to cut the cake, he called Whitney up to the front of the room. Everyone took out their cameras and phones and Michael even saw a smile starting to form on Joseph’s face. Everyone wanted to take a picture of Michael and Whitney before he started to speak.

Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out a lavender piece of paper. He looked into her beautiful brown eyes and began to read. “Whitney, I know we’ve only been speaking for a few months now, but you really changed my life for the better. You're everything a man could ever wish for. I promise you that I’ll treat you way better than anybody ever could. That could only happen if you'd agree to be mine.” Everyone in the room was silent and Katherine started to cry. He opened up the box to the cake, and written in purple icing was the question, “Do you want to go out with me?” She happily said yes and everyone congratulated them. They enjoyed the rest of their night and people started to leave.

“Congratulations again!” Toni said and gave her a hug. “Told you you'd have him hooked. Next step is babysitting.”

Whitney laughed. “We'll see! Not any time soon though.”

Michael took Whitney outside and showed her around. She saw more animals and all of the rides. He told her stories about how they all had super soaker fights in the Summer. After he finished giving her a tour of the place, they spent hours and hours riding around the huge amusement park. He had a Ferris Wheel, a swinging ship called the Sea Dragon, and a bunch of other rides. Around one in the morning, they went inside and went fast asleep.

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