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Michael and Whitney have been back in Indiana for three days. They both are enjoying their time off before they go into the studio. They’ve been getting along very well and Michael wanted to ask her to take another test. He personally didn’t want to do it himself because he was nervous so he asked Toni to come over. Later that day, Michael went out with the boys to catch up on a few things and Whitney had her close friends come over. They ordered a pizza and talked about things that girls usually talk about. While they were watching a movie, Toni pulled Whitney aside and took her upstairs. She led her to her bedroom and sat her down on the bed.

“I have a question.” Toni started off. “Michael called me over to ask you this.”

Whitney sighed. “I know what you want to ask. I took a test in Europe and it was negative.” She went in the drawer beside her bed and grabbed the pregnancy test.

“Can you just take another one for me?” She pleaded. “It’s been a few days.”

Whitney concurred. Toni handed her another test and Whitney looked at her confused. “Why do you even have this.” She laughed. “Seems like you may need it more than I do!”

“Just take it!” She insisted.

Whitney took it from her hand and came out of the bathroom minutes later. They went back downstairs to finish watching the movie. Aaliyah, Lisa, Tionne, Chilli, Janet, Robyn, and Mariah were in her living room watching Mrs.Doubtfire. They were upstairs so long that the movie had ended. Michael eventually came back with Kevin, Kenny, Eddie, and Denzel. They went out to the movies and afterwards went to the bar. The boys went in the basement to give the girls their space. Down in the basement was a movie room, a pool table, a bowling alley, and three couches.

“We need to come over here more often!” Eddie said as he observed the beautiful room.

“I wonder how often she comes down here.” Kenny said.

“Not that often.” Michael laughed “She just has it to have it honestly.”

The boys enjoyed their time downstairs until the girls began to scream. Michael quickly ran up the stairs and the guys followed behind him. When they got to her bedroom, they saw the girls crowding her bed. Michael walked further into the room and saw Whitney sitting on the edge of the bed. The boys stayed near the door and observed from there.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked and sat beside her.

“You were right.” She said and started to cry.

Mariah walked over to Whitney and helped comfort her. “You should be happy! Everything's going to be fine.”

“I guess so.” Whitney got up and went downstairs.

Of course they all wanted to make sure she was alright, so they went downstairs and started to question her. She assured them that she was perfectly fine and wanted to be left alone. Before leaving, everyone congratulated her and gave her a hug as they left out. Lisa and Chilli stayed a few more minutes and told her that everything was going to be okay. They were extremely excited for her and Michael since they were the perfect couple in their eyes. Whitney didn't seem upset anymore, so they said their goodbyes and left. Michael was upstairs getting ready for bed and she started to clean the living room. There was popcorn on the couch and cups still on the table. He was waiting for her to come upstairs, but since he had been waiting for more than thirty minutes, he wanted to make sure everything was alright.

As he walked down the dark hallway, he called out to her. It was early in the morning so he assumed that she was asleep. He went into the living room and saw her sleeping on the couch. Michael knew that she didn't want to be bothered so he left her alone. Upstairs was her favorite blanket. He ran up to get it and came back down to put it on her. It was her purple, fluffy blanket and she loved it so much because her best friend Robyn made it for her. He kissed her forehead and went back upstairs.

The next morning, Michael woke up to the bright sunlight streaming through the curtains. He looked at his alarm, and it was 7 o'clock. He made the bed and went into the bathroom. He wasn't used to seeing so much purple in one house. Everything in her house was decorated with white and purple. It was awfully quiet and that was unusual. Most times, Whitney woke up before Michael, and she'd either be on the phone extremely loud, playing the piano, or listening to music. After he finished brushing his teeth, he went downstairs. He walked past the living room and didn't acknowledge the fact that Whitney wasn't there. He pulled the eggs, sausages, and bacon out of the refrigerator.

“Do you want any breakfast?” He asked Whitney.

It was silent for a few moments and he asked her again. After asking, he thought that he was being ignored. He annoyingly walked into the living room and saw her blanket folded up where she was sleeping. There were three pieces of paper on the table, and each of them were numbered. He picked up the first paper and began to read aloud. “I decided to step up my game. I’m missing my love, and you’re missing your girlfriend. Read the next note to find the next clue.” He stood there confused for a minute but picked up the second piece of paper.

“Someone knows how to follow directions!” The paper started off. He started to panic but proceeded to read. “You think you have a baby on the way, don't you? The pregnancy test was fake. You put together the rest.” Before picking up the other letter, he ran through the house and called Whitney’s name. He checked every room, including the basement, and didn't see her. It was still early in the morning and he was still in his pajamas, but he quickly grabbed his car keys, shoes, and his phone. He called Janet and told her everything that happened. He told her to call the girls and meet him at Whitney's mother's house.

Janet finally arrived at Cissy's house and immediately started to ask questions. The whole situation was confusing but they were focused on Whitney. Michael had brung the notes with him and reread them out loud. He finally got to the third note and stood there silently. He took a deep breath, and gave Janet the paper. “Time is ticking! You wasted so much time reading those notes when i'm an old friend from the past.”

Janet paused and looked at Cissy. “What friend?”

“She never talked about anybody to me. The only friends I know about are you guys.” Cissy walked into her kitchen and got a glass of water.

“Remember when we were at the studio and she told us about that note she saw? She thought it was Bobby but didn't think much about it.” Michael told them. Before anybody could say anything, Mariah, Aaliyah, Lisa, Chilli, Tionne, Robyn, and Toni ran into the house. Whitney had gave Robyn a key just in case anything had happened. They started thinking of people that might know where she could be. While they were talking, Mariah suggested that they call the police since they weren't getting anywhere with the notes.

“911 what is your emergency?” The operator asked.

“Hi, we can't find my friend. You probably know her but her name is Whitney Houston.” Mariah said.

The operator interrupted. “Maybe she just needed some time away. She is a celebrity.”

“She is a celebrity! So take this seriously!” Mariah shouted through the phone.

“Alright ma'am. Calm down. I'm sending an officer to your house right now. They'll be there in a few minutes.” Mariah hung up and directed her attention towards Michael. He was on the phone and you could tell that there was something seriously wrong with him. His face turned red and he began to cry.

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