W H E N I T A L L B E G U N -12-

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Random Author's note from The Neko-mancer popped out: Uhmm.. Hey guys, I'm sorry if I haven't updated for a long time. It's because of School and the Story "Magical Kiss!" thinking a way on how will we make Emerson and Roblyn kiss on every chapter. So yeah, I hope you like it. Sorry about the grammar, I got used on typing in Filipino Language. That s all.


W H E N   I T   A L L   B E G U N : Father, O Father

Leon's POV

After that rest, I was laying down and looking on my phone then someone knocked on my room and said "Sir Leon, dinner's ready." it was the maid on this house, I stood up and said "Yes, coming." I walked towards the door and opened it.

I stepped outside and looked around. No one is outside, not a single person. I walked towarda the hallway and went to the Dining room which I found... Luckily....

As usual, I'm all alone. Sitting on a chair with a very long table infront of me.

Forever alone.... *sigh*

I just picked up the knife and fork, and sliced the steak. I ate silently and ate the meat.

A maid approached me and said "Sir Leon, your father told me that he wants you to meet him later at his office after you are done eating." I swallowed the meat and said "Yes, but can someone escort me to his office, I don't know where is it." she just nodded and gestured her hand on the man beside her "He will escort you to your father's office. Excuse me and I'll take my leave." She walked away and I continued eating.

After that meal, I was escorted to my father's office. I knocked on the door and someone spoke from inside "Come in!" it's uttered in happiness, I then placed hand on the door knob and turned it, the door opened and my father stood up and walked towards me giving me a tight hug saying "My Son, I missed you so much!" I just hugged back and said "I missed you too dad." he smiled in gladness and told me to take a seat.

"How are you while you're away from us?" he asked as he was writing something down "Nothing special at all, just study and stay at home." I said while sitting comfortably "You don't feel tired with it? What about friends and play video games?" he asked while looking at me "I don't really play and hang-out that much, I'm scared that I will fail." I said as I'm looking around, he just looked at me and nodded "You're too serious on your studies, I like that. What about, girlfriend?" he grinned as he said it, I just smiled and said "Yes, I do have one." he looked at me with a wide smile and said "I knew it, my son is a true man." he said while chuckling "You think, I'm not?" I asked in a little embarassment, he looked at me and said "No, it's just that when you are still a little kid you look like a girl, when your mom put a girls clothes on you, you really look like a girl. "

So that's why..... Well... That's the past.

"How old is your girlfriend? Younger than you or older than you?" he asked while placing his hands on top of the table "Younger than me." I said, he just smiled and said "You have picture of her right? I want to see it." I just opened my phone and show him a photo of her. "Beautiful young lady. I hope she can wait for you." he said while looking at the photo, I closed my phone and said "I promised that I'll be back and I'll wait for her." I said while smiling.

His face went serious for awhile and said "You're not coming back." My eyes widen as he said those words, I fell into deep silent as I heard the words from him. "I was just kidding." he laughed out loud holding his abdomen "Dad, that's not funny." I said narrowing my eyes, he folded his arms and told me "You're going to start tomorrow, you're already in college and you can easily cope up. There's no sweat on teaching you. Buisness will be easy for you." he said in confidence, I nodded and smiled "I'll try my best." I said to him humbly "That's the spirit, you can go back to your room now. Don't expect me to go easy on you. Have fun."

I stood up and said "I'll see you tomorrow dad." he just smiled and nodded a little. I left the room and went to my room, I already know how to go to my room.

Dad is serious inside the field but light when outside it. He might really be reaching me seriously, I'll prepare myself for this new door I'm opening.

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