W H E N I T A L L B E G U N -9-

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W H E N   I T   A L L   B E G U N  : Leaving the most wonderful presents and starting another set of Journey.

Leon's POV

It's beautiful and calming, but I have to leave it.

Even though It's hard, I must.

Found the thing that you really longed for, yet you have to place it back on where it belongs.

- Airport -

I smiled on Lerya trying to hide that I'm a little sad, but it can't be helped, she is not looking straightly to me. I walked closer to her and said "We may be miles apart, but I hope we will stay strong in any occassions."

She looked at me in the eyes and hugged me tightly amd buried her face on my chest. I hugged her back trying not to show how sad am'I.

Some people dose it aswell, fake smiles. Even though it's not good, you should.

I took my luggage and I looked at Lerya and her mom waving at me, while I was walking away I saw her smiled at me. It enlightened me as I go on.

I arrived at the plane and found my seat the most wonderful part is, I'm at the window! Yay! It kinda soothes me when I'm looking from a far.

A announcement occured saying "Please put on your seatbelt and turn off your phone for we are about take off." I put on my seatbelt and it's kinda awkward sitting all alone, but it's way more awkward sitting with someone.

I looked outside as it is taking off, the plane successfully flew up high and I feel like I'm missing her already... I checked my phone if she is sending me an e-mail, she haven't yet. I decided to send her one first and I'm hoping that she will receive it and reply back.

All of my life I've been through, the part that I met her is the best. I tilted my head and a stewardess is approaching each passengers a food. Wait, I forgot that I skipped breakfast.

Well at least celebrate? For food? Well who cares. The stewardess approached me and gave me a food, I smiled and responded "Thank you." the stewardess smiled back and walked away.

The stewardess already left, okay, time to eat....

*opens the wrapper and eats the food* Cheesecake...

[Author Joshz: I'm a wrapper ! .... Sorry... • ~•]

I finished and got my stomach full... For the mean time, but there is still a lot of food left so no worries.

Why am'I talking about food again? Oh yeah because I skipped breakfast.

Well anyways, I feel like I want to sleep. I'll just send Lerya another e-mail. Wait, maybe a commemoration photo. 3 photos us enough.

*takes a photo of him and takes a photo of his food and the view outside and sends it to Lerya through e-mail*

*Yawn* .... I'm tired and bored....  I wonder if they have wi-fi? *looks around then a stewardess passed by, he asked the stewardess* "Uhmmm.. Does this plane have Wi-fi?" The stewardess replied "Yes Sir." The stewardess looked at me suspiciously and ask "Sir, are you Mr. Brian's son?" I responded "Yes I'am." the stewardess gasp and ran back at the room where the other stewardess is.

How did they know my father? Wait, you mean this plane, DAD OWNED THIS?!

But dad have't have an airline company before but maybe he has a new one.

Well, I feel sleepy, I'm going to sleep now.


Sorry for the very long wait, I have a least imagination at this chapter. Sorry if it's boring....

WHEN IT ALL BEGUNOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz