Chapter 6

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There he is, sitting on the bleachers. My big brother Louis. It's not wrong. He's not my real brother and he's only a year older than me. Will he fall for me?

Ha. He's liked me since the day he arrived.

"Nicole, this is Louis. He's new. Go hangout together." Leah pushes Louis towards me. She doesn't need to convince me. I grab his hand and run upstairs.

We sit on my bed. Last year when I turned 13 she allowed boys in my room. 

"How old are you?" He seems really nervous.

"I'm 15." He smiles slightly.

"I'm 14. Only a year apart!' I say. He scootches in a little closer and then he looks me in the eyes.

My first kiss. A very good first kiss.

I walk over to the bleachers and sit right next to him. Time to work my magic.

"Hey Hottie."He seems utterly shocked.

But not for long, "Hey sexy." I inch closer after his words. I grab his hand and he smiles. he pulls my head onto his shoulder.

"You were my first kiss."

"I know." His lips meet mine and they sync in rhythm. 

I pull away, "Boyfriend?"

He nods his head and kisses me again.

he pulls away and slowly lifts up his shirt to reveal a tattoo with my name.

I give him a kiss on the cheek and whisper, "I'll see you later." And I walk away with a wink.


At dinner time they arrive. by they I mean James and his cousin.

He ignores me all dinner. Even when I kick him under the table.

He won't even look at me and he barely eats. Its the exact opposite of his cousin who stares at me and eats a lot.

after dinner when everyone goes to their rooms I wait to find out where he will be sleeping.

"You need to stay in Nicoles room. I know its weird but Louis already has 3 of the little kids in his room." he finally gives up fighting with Leah and walks up to his room. My room. Our room. I follow him up. I sit down on my bed while he stands there aggravated.

Crap. One bed. Queen size.

"Mom! Come here please!" I scream down the stairs.

"Whats wrong sweetie?" She leans in the entryway. I point at the bed and she shrugs.

"I'll sleep on the ground."Leah walks away and comes back with two pillows and a blanket.

"We'll buy you a bed soon and maybe try to renevate for a new room. Who nows you guys might become friends." She winks at me and walks away.

OMG. She just winked after saying that! Urg!!


At 8:00 I need to get changed. 

One problem. James. For the past hour he just sat on the floor staring into space.

I sigh and cross my arms over my chest, "I need to change." He looks at me and smirks.

"Then get changed. I hav-had sisters." He keeps smirking while I slowly nod my head.

I slip off my tank-top and skinny jeans. He's still smirking.

Oh god he's staring at me. Not a creepy staring but a loving staring. Normally I would change my bra and underwear but with him staring at me I most definitely I won't.

I slip into my purple pajama top and grey sweatpants. 

The oddest thing happens. He starts clapping. "My turn." he takes off his shirt and pants and gets under the blanket.

He has abs. Oh La La!

"I'm taken." He laughs. "By who?"


His eyes turn icy cold, "Good for you."

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