Chapter 9

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Ok that last part is giving me so many fucking problems with my danm phone!!!! It wouldn't publish and kept saying that the chapter had been modified elsewhere and the stupid fucking thing wouldn't publish at all!!!!!! It took me like 7 different fucking trys to get it to really fucking publish!!!!!! I'm sorry for yaping like this.... So how was your day?
You can tell me in the comments if you'd like.


As Scarlett started to wake up she still felt his fur surrounding her. But she was no longer covered in fur.

"Mate.... Mate, please wake up" Scarlett started saying to the sleeping wolf on top of her. She felt him start to wake.

"Mate?" he then jumped up and stood in a protecting position above her. He started to growl and look around. Whipping his head in all directions.

"Mate?" he stopped looking around and looked at Scarlett. Luckily she was hidden by his long fur so he couldn't see much of anything but her head.

He then tilted his head to the side while it was upside down looking at her. His eyes turned to a darker shade of blue. Lust. Scarlett then started to blush.

"Um... Mate.... I didn't bring any clothes.... Did you happen to bring a shirt long enough for it to cover me up?" he stood there for a second and then slowly moved from over her. She gasped and covered as much as she could with her hands.

He then started to shift human again and Scarlett closed her eyes.

"Do you not know my name?" he asked in a husky voice. It sent chills down her spin.

"N-no I don't. You don't know mine." Scarlett said with her eyes still closed.

"You don't have to cover yourself. And you don't have to close your eyes either." Scarlett could hear his voice get a little lower and she heard the lust in it.

"I don't know if I can trust you." Scarlett said back.

"When your clothed I'll open my eyes." Scarlett said with a little demand. Her mate growled. She heard foot steps and then she felt her arms being ripped from there places and pinned to the earth.

"Look at me" He said. Scarlett didn't obey.

"Not until your dressed!!!!" her mate growled at her.

"Fine you wanna play? I can play too." said her mate but before she could do anything, his lips smashed onto hers and he kissed her passionately. Scarlett was so shocked that she didn't even try to resist him. But when she got the grasp of things, she kissed him back.

She realized that She didn't want to resist him, she wanted him. He then let her arms go and positioned himself so he was leaning on his elbows and he ran his hands through her long, thick, silky hair.

Scarlett took her hands and ran them through his thick, black hair. Scarlett then let out a quite moan. Her eyes then shot open. Her mate pulled back from the kiss. He then smirked.

"I told you that I'd get your eyes open." he said with the smirk still on his lips.

He then started to sit up, so Scarlett put her hands back in place. His eyes were darker, Scarlett noticed.

His eyes weren't like that before.... Did they do that while we were kissing?

I think so, because your right, they weren't like that before.

Scarlett looked in to his eyes and they turned a little darker. He was staring into her eyes, but they slowly trailed down from her eyes to her neck, then down to her arm that was covering her breast. Then down her stomach to her hand that covered her sensitive spot. He was almost sitting on that spot.... And he still didn't have clothes on.

H-help please wolf.... Scarlett whispered in her head.

I don't know what to do....

Scarlett leaned her head back onto the ground and closed her eyes. She then felt her mates hand on her face. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He started to stroke her check.

As Scarlett looked into his eyes, they had turned back to the color they were before but were still a little darker than their original color. He smiled warmly at her. He moved some of her hair from her face.

"You have such beautiful hair mate.... What's your name?" he said to her.

"Thank you.... My name is Scarlett Winter.... What's your name?"

"Scarlett, such a beautiful name.... My name Is Jason Collin. It's nice to officially meet you mate." the way he said her name sent a shiver down her back and She blushed at his husky tone.

"Its nice to know your name too Jason." she blushed a little as butterflies started to form in Her stomach.

"I apologize for the way I was talking to you earlier.... I was just mad because I felt like you were trying to push me around...." Scarlett said as she stared up at the sky.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like that.... I'm sorry that I did.... That's not what I intended." said Jason with apology in his voice.

He then got up from his sitting position and stood on his feet. Scarlett closed her eyes again.

"I won't open my eyes until you at least have a pair of boxers on. And I still need a shirt or my dress." Scarlett said with her eyes still shut.

He sighed. Then there was shuffling and then something blocked the little bit of sunlight that was left. Scarlett opened her eyes and saw her mate standing above her.

"I have a shirt." he said with a smirk on his face. He held it up above Scarlett's head.

He was wearing a pair of jeans. Scarlett looked at the shirt and it looked big enough to cover everything well. She then realized that she had to move one of her arms to get the shirt.

So that's why he's smiling.

She smiled thankfully at him and sat up without moving her arms. His smile went down a bit but Scarlett's stayed the same. She pulled her knees up to her chest and took one of her hands and grabbed the shirt.

"Thank you" she said as she put the shirt on. When She had it fully on and over everything she stood up.

"Come on, I know the way back to the house." Scarlett said and started to take a step forward but her mate grabbed the waist and turned her around.

He was still smiling. He leaned down and kissed her. They took a minute and then parted. Scarlett smiled and bit her lip. She then started to walk and pulled his hand with hers.


Ok please tell me if there's any spelling errors and thanks for reading!!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!


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