Chapter 7

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Sorry I've been really lazy I haven't gotten to be on wattpad lately..... Again sorry.


After Scarlett and her mother had that talk they finished packing and went downstairs. Scarlett saw her mate sitting in a chair and Scarlett held her mothers hand. He looked angry from what Scarlett said to him earlier.

Scarlett's father jumped up from his seat and jogged over to Scarlett and his mate-Scarlett's mother-and hugged them both tightly. "Daddy, Can't... Breath" that's when they heard Scarlett's mate growl and jump from his chair, knocking it to the ground.

Scarlett's dad let go and bowed his head. Scarlett tried to control her anger but her blood boiled and she felt she was about to scream.

"Mine!" yelled Scarlett's mate. He stormed over and grabbed Scarlett's waist, pulling her roughly into his hard rock-like chest and growling furiously at her father and mother.
"Mine." he repeated but lower and with lust and meaningfulness laced in it.

(A/N; mean-ing-ful-ness I know it's weird. But its all I can think of.)

Scarlett's face lit up in a bright, redish-pinkish color. Her father and mother looked surprised at his fast change in mood.

Her mate then cleared his throat. "Have you packed your things?" Scarlett looked up at him.
"Um.... Yes but I was wondering if maybe you could buy me some New cloths."
"Sure" Scarlett looked a little surprised but her mate looked unfazed.

Wow he must have a lot of money if he answered right away.

Yay!!! Now I know that he'll treat us good!

Ya ya ya shut up. You know what, all you do is yap all the time up there. I'm not even that talkative.

Well your the one that won't let me out!

Why the hell would I let you out? All you do is make things worse in My opinion.

To hell with you! I wish I had a nicer person!

I wish I had a quieter wolf!!!!

With that she closed her mind link and looked back down. "Something wrong mate?" her mate said and tightened his grip on her waist.
"No... Just speaking to my wolf." Scarlett said while playing with the fabric on her dress.
"Ok" he said and pulled her into he side. They both looked at Scarlett's parents.

They both had their lips parted slightly and still had wide eyes. Scarlett's mother then after a few more seconds of silence smiled and clapped her hands together once. "Ok, what time is it?" she looked over to the clock. Scarlett mimicked her mothers actions. She looked at the clock and it read 12:42am on it.

Wow really? Apparently everything went by fast. Packing, walking, crying, getting dressed, well... Makeup and hair takes a while so....

Meeting our mate!! Holding on to him. Us by his side!!!!

So here we go again. Hush now and can you talk about something else other than him?

Honestly.... I don't think so.... He's all that's on my mind.


Scarlett looked back from the clock. "Well, who wants lunch?" asked Scarlett's mother. Then Scarlett started to think, who knew she would find her mate on her birthday.

Speaking of which.... Lets tell him!!!!!!

No.... I don't want to. Because I only just met him and I don't think he even knows my name. So why would I tell him my birthday?

Because it's today!!!!

Ok Can you just shut up.

"I do mom." Scarlett said. Scarlett's mother smiled and looked at Scarlett's mate.
"Would you?"
"Yes ma'am I would. Thank you." Scarlett's mother smiled then went to open the fridge.
"Why don't you all go to the living room and lunch will be ready in a few minutes."

"Hey mom, can I help?"
"Sure baby" replied her mother.
"Ok I'll be in the living room with lunch in a few minutes." Scarlett said and tried to walk out of her mate's arms but he didn't let his grip off her.

"I'll stay in here with you." he said. It was more like a statement and demanding than just a simple say so. Scarlett looked up at her mate and then at her parents.

Her father put his head down and turned to walk to the living room. Her mother looked at Scarlett and then looked back in the fridge to grab something.

Wow great fucking backup I have here. Their soooo fucking helpful!

Scarlett felt heated now. She clenched her fists and jaw. "I have to pee" She said and ripped herself from her mate's clutch. She had a sudden burst of rage, energy and strength. He growled but she didn't say anything and just kept walking.

Scarlett walked up the stairs, walked to the bathroom in the hallway and slammed the door shut. She leaned on the door and slid down to the floor. Tears started to drip from her eyes as she began to sob.

Why are my parents being such pieces of crap? They didn't even say anything! What a great family I have!!! Their acting like his little bitches!!! I can stand up to his dumbass so why the Fuck can't they!?!?

Well, first off, you shouldn't stand up to him. Secondly-

Hold on, I don't care if he's the fucking Prince of danm England or the hottest model on fucking earth!!!! I'd still stand up to him!!!

Let me finish dumbass! And secondly, it's pretty obvious why their afraid of him. He's the alpha of the most feared pack in the world!!!! The blood moon pack!!!!

But I don't even know his name....

Then we need to ask.

I'm not doing that.

And with that she shut down the mind-link. She still had tears going down her face as she sat there. She let out a few quite sobs as she sat there.

She then heard heavy foot steps and even they sounded angry with every step they took.

"Mate! Where are you!" it sounded like she had no choice But to tell him where she was. But Scarlett wasn't having it. She stood up using the door for some help.

She moved into the mirror and wipped the tears off her face, but being careful not to wipe the makeup off too.

She fixed her dress and ripped the door open. He was standing in the hall looking around, but when he heard the door almost come off it's hindges his head whipped to Scarlett. He started to walk towards her but Scarlett walked faster and anger was the most clear expression on her face.

"I am not your little bitch and will not be like my parents!!!! I am not one of your skancky little hoes that drool over you!!!! And I am not your fucking lap dog that you can just order the fuck around!!!! Don't you EVER think that your bigger and better than me because I can leave your dumbass and reject you right fucking now you stupid fuck!!!!! So don't you dare start fucking ordering me around because I will leave you!!!!!" Scarlett screamed at him and before he could say anything to her She stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut.


I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like a month or two I know I'm going to try and make up by making a bunch of chapters.... I'll try please don't mind the spelling errors I kinda rushed but it would be nice if you could please point them out but please be nice about it.

Ok hope you liked this chapter.... Hope it isn't too bad.

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