Chapter 8

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Ok hope you little wolves like this chapter thank you to thoughs of you that are patient and stayed with me!!!! 💗 😊



She slammed her bed room door shut and was about to lock it but her mate shoved it open and almost knocked Scarlett to the floor.

Scarlett began to speak "Get- but her mate cut her off.

"What the hell do you think your doing!?!!! Are you trying to make me rip off your head!?!!! How dare you speak to me like that!!!!" He roared out at her. "You so fucking stubborn!!!! I don't even know you and your already trying to piss me off!!!!! Don't you ever think you can talk to me like that again!!!!! And don't you think for a second that you will raise your voice to me like that again!!!!! I am the alpha!!!! You are my mate!!!!! You will still respect me as your alpha!!!!!"

"Fuck you!!!!! I am not going through this with you!!!!! I will not stand for it!!!!! I will not bow down like just another pack member!!!!! Or my parents!!!!! Like you said your fucking self!!! I'm your fucking mate!!!! Not part of your pack!!!!! I belong to the grey moons pack!!!!! Your not my danm alpha!!!!! And guess what, if you ripped off my head, at least I wouldn't have to be your mate. You can go and find some little other hoe and go call her your mate. I'm not your property. Now get out of my way, and let me go down stairs to my family. You can do what ever you want. If you wanna go through my things, go ahead. I have nothing to hide. But if you see a picture of a boy, I'll explain that to you later. If we're still mate's."

Scarlett started walking forward. He was still standing in her way. She looked up at him. After he didn't move she started to move to the side to go around him but he move in her way.

"Fine you wanna play hard? I can play too." Scarlett said calmly. She turned around and ran like lightning acrossed the room and jumped out her open window. Landing on her feet. She took off running into the woods.

She ran as fast as she could on foot. She looked behind her and all she could see was trees. She stopped and hid behind a tree. She sniffed the air to see if someone was near by. When all the sents she smelled were old, she took off the dress and shifted.

Oh my goddess I'm freeeee!!!!!

Ok shut up now. I let you out so we could stretch our legs. I'm sorry about earlier.

Its ok. I'm sorry too. It was mean what I said.

But I started it.... And I'm really sorry that I did.

Its ok I know that I have a big mouth. And I can be annoying.

I know that I could be a little more happy.... But you saw what happened back there. That's what led us here.

Scarlett's wolf layed down on the ground let out a sigh.

Yeah. I kinda feel like that too. I didn't want anything like that to happen. If I hadn't gone out last night, I wouldn't have met him. I may not have a mate and could have avoided all this trouble.... Maybe I would be lonely forever.... What would you prefer, alone of fighting?

I'd prefer nether of them. And I couldn't choose. Both are evenly horrible. So if I had to choose my own fate.... I'd choose a happy one with a husband mate and 3 children. If I had my way with fate.

Yeah, that seems like it would be the best choice to make. I'm glad that you talk a lot. Because I have someone to talk to.

And I'm glad that your kinda sad and depressed because I have someone to cheer up!

Your a really good friend to me wolf.

And your a good person to me Scarlett. Sh, did you hear that?

Scarlett starts to listen closely to the sound around her. The birds start to fly and you can hear twigs snapping in the distense.


Scarlett's wolf bolted up and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. The twigs started getting closer.

Please can you go any faster?

I'm trying. My heart is beating faster every second. I haven't ran in a while so I'm kinda rusty. Just give me a few minutes.

But we don't have a few minutes! It's coming closer every second!

The twigs are breaking even closer now.

They have to be at least 20 to 30 feet behind us! If it gets to at least 15 or 10 feet away from us-

Scarlett was cut off by something slamming hard onto her her behind. She flew in the air and thought she was going to land on the rocks below her but instead slammed on something like fur.

But some other parts of her body weren't so lucky. Her front right arm slammed on a rock. She started yelping. The thing she slammed into started to move. She looked up and saw an all black wolf. Her mate.

She started to scurry away and tried to stand on her paws but yelped loudly and fell back to the ground. She then looked at him and he stood there and didn't move an inch. He then lowered his head and bared his k-9s and walked over to her.

She whimpered and tried to back up but made it about 3 feet before she hit a tree. He came closer and growled. Once his musel was only inches away from her face, Scarlett closed her eyes and expected death to show up in front of her.

But when she heard rustling and felt his musel nudge her neck she opened her eyes. He stopped baring his k-9s and had a worried look in his expressions. He then moved to behind her a nudged her to move. She obeyed and move away from the tree.

He followed her and she stopped when she was a few feet away. She layed back on her left side because of her front arm. He started to move and tower over her. He then layed down on her and engulfed her in black fur and warmth. Scarlett didn't understand why he hadn't killed her.

Because a mate can't kill his mate. Its impossible. Because the mate bond is so strong.

Scarlett smiled to started to fall asleep from his warmth he was giving her.


Ok I'm trying hard to think and I already have a headache so if there are spelling errors please do tell me and I'll fix them later.

Thank you for reading!!!!

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