A Runaway Person

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"Have a good recess everyone." Mr. Jang quickly dismissed all of us as soon as the bell rang. T

I slowly put all my notes and my stationaries into my bag, my mind is still in the haze of disturbance but I try to keep all those disturbing thoughts out of my head but I do need to point out the word tried in my words.

It does make sense for him to fall for anyone in this world but it just never occurred to me that he could fall for someone. The picture I saw... was something. It showed me that there's still a tiny, small, little spot of the feeling of redness with a small spark of softness of my affection towards Jimin. The affection... just like I thought when he held my hand, the spark I felt, it was a sign of something... and I am truly fucked because of it.

"I can't believe I like him." I sigh heavily.

"Like who?"

My shoulders jump at the voice. My panicked eyes quickly find the person behind me and my heart relaxes when my eyes meet with the same hazel brown eyes from before.

"No one," I say while continuing to organize my bag with all the book notes.

She seems to not be bothered by my ignorance since she happily skips around my table and plops her bottom onto the seat in front of me. She tilts her head curiously at the square little thing at the side of my pencil box, it is something that I held closer than anything in my heart. Without asking or even a little warning, she dared to hold it without permission.

The rudest behavior I have ever seen in my entire life!

I quickly snatch the item and glare at her. "Who are you again?" I rudely ask her.

She looks taken aback by my anger and it seems like my words awaken her conscious that this little item is something personal. It is more personal than I ever wanted it to be and if she knows who gave it to me, I could imagine the life I will have after that. Especially, after I found out that the boy who gave it to me was also the first love for every 15 other classmates of mine.


The girl in front of me almost dropped her jaw to the floor when the love of her life casually walked towards me and sat close... and I mean it with my words when I said, he sat close to me.

Even my heart could not contain the joy I felt at the multiple eyes of envious of every girl in the room but as my eyes met her hazel brown eyes again, my heart dropped, cause I remembered the picture once again.

I look away from him and with a tight face, as usual, I choose to ignore him. I hang my bag perfectly at the side of the table and walk away from the classroom. It is unexpected since everyone would yearn for one simple conversation with him, especially the one that was started personally by Jimin, but unfortunately unlike them, I had a history with him.

A hurtful one-sided history.

"Y/n." His pleading voice calls my name. I stop for a moment and it gives him some confidence to run towards my side and hold a small pinch of my long sleeve's cuff. Asking indirectly for me to give him a chance for a conversation.

I know... I know myself too well. If I walk out this room together with him and listen to all the past lives he had to endure as a 10-year-old, I, myself know it too well that I would... I know! I do know that I will let my soft heart melt for him once again.

I... I don't want to. I don't want myself to be too soft with him. He ignored me when i needed him. If I had a phone for him to call me whenever he needed me, I would give it to him just like he did but instead of declining my calls, I would listen to him.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑 -𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅(𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now