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(A/N on my device, if you don't click on the fan art right now it just shows Will's butt so I'm kind of dying of laughter right now okay, carry on.)
What was I going to say?

'Oh, nothing's wrong Will, it's just that I'm incredibly jealous of your super-model girlfriend who makes dramatic entrances and gives you nicknames!'

Instead I changed the subject.

"It's nothing, Will, let's just go to breakfast." 

I got up off the bed and started to stumble uneasily to the door when Will grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

"Nico wait! I..."

Before I knew what was happening, Will was leaning in closer to me, his eyes closed, his arms wrapping around my waist.

No. I can't let this happen.

I pushed him away and sprinted out of the bedroom down the halls. I ran into a maid and I asked for directions to the dining room, she led me there, happily. Inside, were Queen Mary and King Apollo. I bowed and the Queen smiled at me and the King motioned me to sit down.

After about 10 minutes of small talk with Will's parents, Will stumbled in looking like a lost puppy.

His eyes were red, his face was puffy and splotchy, and his hair was swept all over the place on his head. I felt horrible. He had obviously been crying and it was all my fault.
He hates me now. He'll probably send me to the dungeons and I'll deserve it.Will kept trying to subtly get my attention at the table, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I knew if I did, I'd end up crying.

Eventually I excused myself from the table. I was almost out of the room when Will excused himself too and rushed after me.  I didn't have the energy to run this time, my energy was still down from running here. He caught up to me quickly in the hallways.

"Nico, I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking and I-" he started tearing up again and looked down.

I didn't say anything. I felt dizzy, as if the whole world was spinning but I was staying in place. I wanted to apologize for running out but I couldn't speak. No noise would come out, I felt like throwing up. Everything suddenly sounded like I was underwater.

"Nico? Nico!"

I felt myself falling and then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in Will's bed. Will was sobbing beside me and holding my hand and Bianca was standing next to him trying to calm him down.

"Prince William, it's alright. You've done everything you can, he just needs rest."

"You don't understand. This is all my fault! If I wouldn't have tried to kiss him, then he wouldn't have ran off and wasted his energy in the first place! I'm an awful human." He cried.

Bianca turned and noticed I was awake.

"Nico!" She hugged me lightly.

Will started whimpering when he saw me and dashed out of the room. Bea sent him a pitying look.
"How are you feeling?"
"Not bad, I'm just tired. What happened?"
"Well, after you fell, Will didn't catch you in time, and you hit your head. Your stitches reopened and Will had to re-stitch them. He feels awful now, for not catching you and for upsetting you." Bianca explained.

"Oh. Can I speak with him?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I'll go find him." I nodded as she exited the room.

After about ten minutes, Bianca returned with Will, by her side. He was still whimpering and had tears streaming down his cheeks, but he came.

"I'll leave you to it. " Bianca announced as she shut the door behind her.

(A/N ugh I couldn't come up with a good title for is one but if you think of a better one please comment. Really that's fine on any of the chapters. Ugh this is another really short chapter. Maybe someday I'll actually post a normal-sized chapter but until that day, I apologize. I am very bad at writing and I've had a going on lately which really isn't a good excuse but it's better than nothing I guess.)

Word count- 712

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