V-Bath Time!

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(A/N sorry that photo is pretty poor quality. Oh whale.)
I closed my eyes but wasn't quite fully asleep yet when someone came into the room. At first I was nervous.

Was someone here to take me or away? Or worse, take Will?

There was some shuffling and a female voice asked, "You helped him?"

I didn't hear a response, but I assumed they were talking about me.


"I was always fascinated when Dad would tell me stories of a boy at the dinner table. I fell in love with a boy who stole and always got away. I didn't know how old he was, or what he was like back then, but now that I know..." Will trailed off.

Wait...what had Will said? Love? But Will wasn't...

"You don't want him to get away from you."The woman finished.

Are they really still talking about me? It seems too good to be true...

"William, I've known you've liked guys since way before you were twelve. When you were four, you used to gossip with the maids' daughters about which stable boys were the cutest."

If it wouldn't have blown my cover on eavesdropping, I would have laughed.

"You've really known for that long?"

There was more silence.

"Mom? Will he still have to live in the dungeons?"

"I bet we could get something worked out, if you were willing to watch over him." She replied.


Was I really that bad to be around? Probably...

She laughed and her footsteps left the room.

"Get ready for bed, William, it's getting late."
Then she was gone.

Could Will really like me? Had he really known about me for all these years? I have to find out tomorrow.


I'm in dungeons.
The stone is cold against my skin.
I hear footsteps coming and look up. Through the iron bars I see a man, I can't see his face, but he is holding a knife. I flinch involuntarily, but I can't move, because of the shackles on my wrists and ankles.

The door to my cell opens and he walks in. Immediately I recognize him from the night I was taken from the woods. He turns off the light and I can't see anything. I panic and scream. I can hear Will's voice, then Bianca's. They're trying to help me, to get to me, but I'm scared.

All if a sudden the voices stop and the man laughs. When he turns the light on, I see Will and Bianca. But they aren't alive anymore.

He has killed them.
I wake up disoriented. I feel tears rushing down my face and someone holding me...in the dark. Someone turns on the light before I panic and I see Will holding me in his arms, worry obviously written across his face.

"Are you alright? What happened?"

The nightmares. Schist. He must think I'm an awful person. I probably woke him up.

My face burns red and I feel awful.

"I'm so sorry, Will. I had a nightmare. Was I screaming? Gods I'm so, so sorry." I blubber.

If he ever liked me there was no way he did anymore.

He rubs my back and I calm down a bit.

"Hey, it's alright. Shh. Yes, I woke up to hear you screaming and sobbing, so I came to comfort you. What was your nightmare about? Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly.

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