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I don't have much time anymore. I mean, I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm writing this freaking entry with a piece of pencil lead, dammit. It smells awful and the bleeding still hasn't stopped and it's so dark.
It's so dark.

Dan STop tryIng to escApe

No, leave me be you monster. Just leave me alone.

¡But Dan, you said you LoVeD me didn't you¿

Just stop! I said...ugh, I'm so tired. I can't even keep you from taking over my hand anymore. Can't you see that you've destroyed me.



I cOulD giVe you a bit MoRe time. To tELl your story.

I...alright. Let me write then.
I'll start from the beginning.

A/N: Hey people! Hope you like this story. The AU is SOO cool and I'm honored that the creator Maddox gave me her stamp of approval ❤️ Enjoy!

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