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Six days after the wedding

Percy's POV

It has been six days since Annabeth and my wedding. Six days since seeing my brother. Since days since he tried to kill her. And six days since he might have.

After being poisoned, everybody headed back to camp right away. The healers from the Apollo cabin brought Annabeth right to the infirmary, and I went with them. Please tell me that the Fates aren't this cruel! The Apollo kids don't know what she has been poisoned with, but they know that it could lead to death. So, hear I am, sitting next to my wife, holding her clammy hand as she is unconscious still.

I looked down at Annabeth. Her blond hair that had actually been brushed was mangled and plastered to her head and neck due to sweat. Those beautiful grey eyes were covered by her soft eye lids that she actually put makeup on. Her lips had nothing on them, but they were chapped like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to help her, but I didn't know how. For the past six days, the healers and Chiron have been trying to come up with a cure. We got Annabeth to eat Ambrosia and drink a little Nectar. Color returned to her face and her breathing wasn't as labored, but she still was poisoned and unconscious. We tried mortal medicine, but that really didn't help.

One night I fell asleep next to Annabeth's bed. I awoke sitting in the stool I was on, still holding her hand. It was around 2:30 in the morning, and nobody was in the infirmary except Annabeth and I. The moonlight hit Annabeth's face through the window on the ceiling. I smiled, still a trouper, my Wise Girl. Then, I did something I never thought I would do in this case scenario. I leaned down, and kissed Annabeth, strait on the lips. I felt her skin peeling slightly off of her lips. Please, Annabeth. I need you! I thought. I stayed like this for a few seconds, then, I felt hand grab around my neck. I pulled away slightly, only to realize that the hands were Annabeth's. She was finally awake! My head was pulled back down to , she let go of me. She smiled up at me.

"Annabeth," I breathed. "Thank gods you're okay."

"Well, I wouldn't say okay, but I'm getting there," Annabeth smiled at me.

"Wait how did you wake up? Was it like the kiss..." I trailed off blushing slightly.

"Aw... No Seaweed Brain. I woke up right before you kissed me. I decided to let you live your little fairytale though," Annabeth laughed. Then she winced.

"Wait are you okay?" I fretted. Annabeth nodded.

"Just have to get over the poison. That's all. Wait, what happened?" I chuckled. Then, I began to recount all of the details of what happened. She nodded and laughed and frowned. I was so grateful for my Wise Girl.

Annabeth's POV

I woke up to see Percy's lips traveling toward mine. I quickly re-closed my eyes, letting Percy live his fairytale. You know, the one where the night in shining armor kisses the princess and then the princess comes back to life or wakes up. You know? That one. After Percy began to lift his head, I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck, bringing him back to me. He shied away slightly, but I quickly pulled him back harder. Percy told me what had happened once he realized I was awake. That jerk Michael is going to get it!

"Annabeth, do you want me to get Will?" Percy asked after a silence.

I shook my head. "No, let him sleep. It's obvious that he has been working hard from what you tell me." And it was true. From what Percy had said, Will had been in the infirmary constantly trying to figure out a cure. At times, Chiron had to drag Will to his cabin to get some sleep. At other times, Will fell asleep where he was working. I was thankful for such a loyal healer. Many people had come to stop by, and it was nice to know that I had a real family here, considering my dad didn't even come to Half-Blood Hill to check on me.

Finally, I was beginning to feel drowsy. Percy noticed and lay down on a bed next to my own. We fell back asleep. Percy seemed relieved to have me back, and I was relieved to be back.

Will's POV

"Chiron, I promise that I am fine!" I insisted at the infirmary door. "I got a good night's sleep last night. I need to heal Annabeth!"

"Will, I understand that you are determined to help her, but you need to take a break. You are draining yourself!" Chiron insisted.

"Just let me check on her," I sighed. Reluctantly, Chiron nodded his head. I scrambled into the infirmary. Annabeth's bed was at the back of the room.

When I got there, Annabeth was sleeping lightly with Percy on the bed next to her own. I smiled. I knew Percy was hard to wake up, but I also knew the light encouragement he needed.

"Percy," I whispered. "There are blue pancakes. If you don't wake up Nico will eat them all." Percy's eyes shot open. He looked like a demon.

"No Nico! I will avenge you pancakes!" Percy joked. We started to laugh. A few seconds after our giggle fit, we heard a groan. I quickly composed myself and went next to Annabeth. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Will," she said. "Wait! Percy you said that he wouldn't wake you up!" *cue glare from Annabeth*.

"Nah. I woke up myself. I wanted to check on you. Hold up! How long have you been conscious?" I asked bewildered.

"Since about 2:30 this morning," Percy announced. I nodded then got to work. Thankfully, Chiron didn't stop me when he entered.

"Chiron," I said. "Please get me the Golden Fleece. It is one of the only ways to heal poison." Chiron nodded and came back with the Fleece. He handed it to me and I draped it over Annabeth. Almost right away, Annabeth was back to normal. Thank you magical fleece.

"Thank you, Will," Annabeth said getting out of the bed a few days later. After ten days in the infirmary, I could see that Annabeth was itching to get out of here. I smiled at that and helped her up. She stood next to Percy.

"You are very welcome. Now, please give me all mortal food before you eat it so that I can make sure you don't get poisoned," I joked. She smiled and headed back to her cabin. I have finally healed Annabeth Chase.

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