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Percy's POV

I was at the alter standing next to my beautiful wife to be. Finally, after 15 years, we could finally be together. Well, maybe not because my stupid brother, Michael, just had to crash my wedding. I am thinking a lot of things right now that probably won't be okay to put down on paper... so yeah. Anyways, I'll get on with the story.

"Why, hello there Percy," Michael spat.

"Michael," I growled. He slowly walked up to the alter, his sword swinging from his hip. I realized that he was flanked by about four other demigods, children of Ares. I recognized them. They were always the extra violent ones that got thrown out of camp. Their names were Mark, Austin, Sarah, and Zeak. They always caused trouble at camp.

"So, Percy. What are you doing here with my wife?" Michael asked.

"She is not your wife Michael. She is mine," I said, rage filling me. I started to surge forward when Annabeth grabbed my arm.

"Don't do it Percy. He's not worth it," Annabeth whispered to me. I nodded slowly, then fell back in line with her, clutching her soft hand.

"Aw. You need that little bat to calm you down?" Michael teased. I didn't stop this time, I was full raging right now. I leapt like a cheetah and tackled Michael, pinning him to the ground.

"What did you just call Annabeth?" I asked, fury clouding my vision.

"That she is a bat. You heard me. She gave me up for a loser like you. Who cares that you saved Olympus?" Michael struggled through my choke hold.

"Um, I do," Zeus spoke up, electricity crackling. Michael gulped. Then, Poseidon stepped up.

"Michael. What in Hades!" he said, ignoring the grumbling coming from Hades himself. Poseidon was going to continue when Annabeth stopped him and pulled Percy off of Michael.

"Thank you Lord Zeus and Lord Poseidon, but I believe that we can handle this," Annabeth said surprisingly calm. I shot her a 'thank you' look. She gladly returned it. The gods nodded and headed to the back of the crowd, forcing themselves not to interfere. All of the mortals that were there cowered in fear. Michael stood up.

"Annabeth, I thank you for taking this bastard off of me, but I am afraid that my way of thanking you physically, will be much more painful," Michael sneered, taking his sword out of its scheath. Annabeth pulled her drakon bone sword out from under her dress, and I uncapped Riptide. Little tip of advise, never leave home un-armed. Then, Michael lunged. Not at me, but at Annabeth.

"Stop," Piper commanded, power radiating from her voice. Michael literally fell on the floor. "Michael, drop the sword." Piper said, her words dripping with charm speak. Michael dropped the sword, under Piper's trance. "You too Mark, Austin, Sarah, and Zeak." They dropped the swords as well. "Now, kick the away." They did as she asked. There was no more questions. But then, Michael did something completely unpredicted.

He surged forward and wrapped his hands around Annabeth's neck. It reminded me of my mom and the Minotaur. Michael's hands began squeezing Annabeth's neck, cutting off her air. Her face was turning purple and she struggled and kicked. People were running around screaming, until Piper's voice rang out.

"STOP!" Everybody froze. Michael released Annabeth and fled from the scene with the Ares kids. I stooped down next to Annabeth. She was alive, but she was floating into unconsciousness.

Then she spoke, weakly and faintly she said, "I do." Then, her eyes fluttered shut.

"She's not dead, Percy," Nico said coming up behind me. I nodded and looked at Annabeth's form. Apollo came up and grabbed Annabeth. She looked so small in Apollo's arms.

Apollo shrugged. "She's fine. Don't worry 'bout her." He put his hand to Annabeth's forehead, and her eyes fluttered open. She gasped. Tears of relief began to flood my eyes. I surged toward her and took her from Apollo. She smiled at me, clearly feeling much better.

"I love you Wise Girl," I mumbled.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain," she replied. Then, she slammed her lips onto mine. I gladly returned it, fiercely kissing her. I shifted ever so slightly to get to her better. When we broke apart, we were panting, gasping for air. Cheers erupted from the crowd and we smiled sheepishly. I finally had my Wise Girl.

Without a moments delay, everybody headed toward the catering area. The food looked delicious. The gods went back to Olympus, and everybody else gathered around the towering, blue wedding cake. At the top was a statue of an owl and a trident. We didn't slam each other's faces into the cake because of what happened earlier. Then, we cut the cake and went to sit down. I smiled at Annabeth as she brought a plate of cake back to our table.

Around us sat Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo, and Calypso. All of them were married. (Hate A/N's, but if you don't know who is married to who... well, you should know) Annabeth's slice of cake looked strangely green, but I figured it was a trick of the light. We talked for a little before eating.

"To us," I said to Annabeth. She smiled.

"To us," she confirmed, then she bit into a piece of cake. She started to look woozy.

"Annabeth?" I asked worried. Before she could reply, she fell forward onto the table and turned an ashen grey kind of color. "ANNABETH!" I shrieked getting everybody's attention. Will Solace raced over to her.

"Poison," he said. Annabeth's cake had been poisoned. And it was clear that it was by none other than Michael.

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