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Percy's POV

As soon as I walked out of Olympus, I started to sob uncontrollably. Tears fell like a river down my face. Sure, it was great to be alive again, but not without Annabeth. She had listened to my advise, yet I can't help but think that I shouldn't have told her that. Sure, I didn't know I would be coming back, but still. When I was at their wedding, I saw Annabeth look directly at me. Tears began forming in her eyes, and a look of guilt crossed her face. She knew that was supposed to be our moment. Stop it! She is happy.

I wanted to go to camp, but first, I had to say hi to my mom. I walked down the streets of New York and found the apartment building. The door man gave me a strange look, as if he had seen me before, which he had. When I wasn't dead. I headed up to the ninth floor, room 981. My palms were sweaty, and I had butterflies in my stomach. Finally, I knocked. There was a slight delay, but then, there at the door, stood my beautiful mother making blue chocolate chip cookies. She looked up at me, and dropped the bowl, letting cookie dough splatter against the blue walls.

"P-Percy?" she asked.

"Hey mom," I rubbed my hand on the back of my neck.

"Percy! Wait what-how-when?"

"Calm down mom. So, are you going to let me inside?" She immediately ushered me in.

"So, SPEAK. NOW," my mom demanded. I smiled and began the entire story, from the beginning of the quest, to my death, to when I came back. She frowned, smiled, and even began to cry at some parts. When I finished she said, "are you going to camp?"

I nodded. "Yeah, apparently I am staging as a kid named Peter Johnson. The gods don't want me to reveal my true identity yet. Only to you, Chiron, and Grover." My mom nodded and Iris Messaged Grover while I caught up on seven missed years of TV. After my mom got off the rainbow, is that how you would say that? She told me Grover would be heading over so me stumbling into Camp Half-Blood wouldn't be so suspicious. My mom and I caught up with each other until Grover came.

When he saw me, he said, "Percy!" Then, he tackled me. I smiled up at him.

"Hey, G-man," was my only reply. Grover got off of me and helped me up.

"Tell me everything, Perce," he said settling down on the couch while munching on a can. So, I retold the story. Grover had the same reaction as my mom. "I'm just happy to have you back." I nodded. "So, we had better get to camp."

"Yeah," I began. "But at camp, I'm not Percy Jackson yet. I'm Peter Johnson. At least for a little while. Only you and Chiron know."

"What about, you know, Annabeth?" I shook my head and looked down. "I'm sorry Perce. But hey, you're going home!" Grover said trying to sound up beat. I smiled at him, but it didn't reach my eyes. We said good-bye to my mom, then headed to camp. We walked the whole way, catching up with each other. Finally, we reached camp boarders. Everybody was training, so we had a clear path up to the big house. When we arrived, Grover went to supervise the new campers, on Chiron's request.

"Percy, it's great to have you back. But, you know that you are no Percy Jackson here. Tone down your powers at least some. You can't go immediately back to the 'amazing, incredible, Perseus Jackson'," Chiron said in a serious tone. I nodded. We talked for a little bit longer, before the conch horn for dinner sounded. Chiron brought me to the head of the pavilion. "I have a feeling that Poseidon has a very special claiming for you." I smiled and he and Mr. D began to speak. Then, right when I was sent to the Hermes table, Poseidon materialized in front of me. I smiled and he winked.

"All hail, my son, Peter Johnson!" he announced. I resisted the urge to laugh at his terrible acting. The pavilion began to clap. "Now Peter, you need a weapon, I will grant you this one. It is called Anaklusmos, which is Greek for Riptide. It is a pen that will turn into a sword. It also returns to you pocket when you lose it. Now, go sit at my table. Good luck at Camp, Peter." Then, he returned to the ocean.

"You heard him! All hail Peter Johnson, son of Poseidon!" Chiron announced. The pavilion erupted into cheers again, except for Michael who sat their glowering, and Annabeth who began to cry. I looked at her pitifully as Malcolm wrapped an arm around her. I tore my glance away from Annabeth and headed to my seat. Michael didn't talk to me, which was fine because all I could think about was Annabeth. After dinner, Michael went to comfort Annabeth. I ran to the beach, letting tears fill my eyes. I sat down in the spot where Annabeth and I always sat before the quest. Then, I heard footsteps come up from behind me.

It was Annabeth. She was crying still. "Oh, sorry," she said, then went to turn away.

"Oh, no! You're fine," I immediately said. A piece of honey hair fell in front of her face, and I resisted the urge to push it behind her ear like I did before I died. We didn't speak for a while. The I said, "What's your name?"

"Annabeth. Not Annie, Not Anna, not Beth. Annabeth," she said not really into her speech. I nodded.

"Peter Johnson," I started. The she started to cry again. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing." I looked at her, forcing her to continue talking. "Okay, it's just, you remind me of my friend Percy Jackson. He was a son of Poseidon too. He had the same black hair, and sea green eye. Actually, you two could be twins. But, h-he died." she said. I hadn't realized that she really hadn't gotten over me.

"By the way you talk about him, was he something more than a friend?" I asked. She nodded.

"He was my boyfriend." I smiled a little bit, remembering all of the times that we had spent together.

"If he were alive, would you still love him?" Annabeth looked startled at my question.

"Yes. I would still love him," she replied in a whisper. I smiled full blown this time. I was about to tell her, 'Hey, I'm Percy Jackson!' when the conch horn blew three times; an attack. Annabeth and I jumped up and raced to the boarders. Sure enough, there was a massive Cyclops whom I recognized to be the one and only, Polyphemus. I groaned. Behind him, stood about ten hell hounds.

"I'll take Polyphemus," I announced. The camp stopped in their tracks.

"But you're new!" everybody shrieked.

"Not as new as you think," I muttered. The approached Polyphemus.

"So," the Cyclops said grinning. "The rumors are true. The great Perseus Jackson has returned. You died did you not. In the giant war. I guess the Fates didn't like your death and decided to give you an even more epic one." I laughed.

"You still blind buddy?" I asked. He looked confused. Then I continued, "I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Retriever of Zeus's master bolt, I found the golden fleece, killed you... again, held up the freaking weight of the sky, survived the Labyrinth, single handedly defeated the Titan Lord, Kronos, defeated the Minatour twice, killed the Nemian lion, retrieved the golden eagle of New Rome, survived bloody Tartarus, defeated Gaea, died, found out that my fate was decided by the gods, then came back. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

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