9. Scars That Tell Stories

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 I only realized that Danny must have been waiting outside awkwardly all this time when we walked out together. Joshua's smile never left his face when he told Danny the news.

 "Dude! We're going to take down Blood Wanderers!" He laughed and hung his arm over Danny's shoulder. I stood there, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Danny was coming with us? I thought it was just us two, the way he said it seemed like he wanted to do this for us to get to know each other...

 "Yeah, I heard," he said tonelessly. He glanced at me, wondering how I felt about this. Not good, not good at all.

 I didn't voice my protests as Danny and Joshua jumped into the passenger seat. I slid into the driver's seat in a daze. Danny sniffed and said, "It smells of...blood."

 I froze as I started the car. I turned to look at them both and they turned to look at me. Shite, I had gotten so used to the smell, I hadn't noticed. "Don't ask," I mumbled before shifting into gear.

 The tension in the car was overwhelming. I could tell by their posture they didn't feel comfortable after the talk. I reached over Joshua, sparks running up my arm as I brushed past. I turned on the radio and resumed back to my seat. My legs jumping against his over the bumpy road. "So, where's your pack?" I asked over the pop music.

 "Twelve miles east of Hamilton," Danny answered.

 Dammit, that'll take us all day.

               ☢   ☢   ☢

 "There's only two rooms left, a single and a double," the frivolous woman told us. She leaned over so that her breasts resting on the desk, twirling her blonde locks, she licked her lips. "But there's always room on more in my room," she literally purred at Joshua.

 Joshua cringed and backed up. I grounded my teeth together as I heard Danny snicker. Anger and hatred spurred through me.

 I swallowed down the urge to rip out her cheap hair extensions and instead leaned forward. She flinched, not expecting my movements as I whispered, "I don't think you really understand what's going on here... I'll explain, they're both mine."

 I pulled back and blinked at us, her jaw dropping as she looked at all three of us. "I-I'll book the rooms," she stuttered as she passed us out keys and I passed her the notes. She refused to look at us as she typed up our names and such.

 I grabbed the keys and walked to room, 16 and 21, the boys trailing behind me. I tossed the key to Danny as I unlocked room 16. I threw my money bag and my other onto the single bed. I started changing into my pajamas since I hadn't slept for twelve hours and been driving for ten.

 "Hey, Charlotte, we've got the double - whoa."

 I turned to see the door open and Joshua standing there, his jaw hanging open. Following his line of eyesight, I realized he had walked in on me undressing. I pulled down my shirt that I was in the middle of taking off.

 Surprisingly, I was extremely calm in the situation, I don't really know why. "Uh," Joshua glanced outside before shutting the door as he walked inside. "So, those scars..."

 I kept my face blank. Of course... That's what he was all flustered about. My hand went up to flutter over the scar that crept from my waist to my ribs. "What about them?" I asked.

 Joshua gulped, "It's big."

 I frowned, "I have others," I said trying to keep it going. I could feel the air getting more awkward as we stood there.

 "Oh, how-how did you get them?"

 I bit my lip and decided to show one of my favourites. I walked over and lifted my shirt and pulled down my jeans a bit to expose my left hip. A little, red mark stood out from the rest of my pale skin. "My dad's friend used to collect silver weapons. Beautiful swords from across the world, anyway we had to take them away because of rules. My dad let me come along and I was messing around, playing with a box. Turns out it was filled with silver bullets and they tipped over, I fell over as well. I fell on one of them, burning this little mark into my skin."

 I shook my head with a smile as I put my clothes back in place. "How old were you?" He asked.

 "Nine. I was such a klutz," I chuckled and Joshua joined in.

 Then he just had to ruin it. "And the others?"

 "...From fighting," we were quiet, knowing what that meant, how many I had killed. I decided to change the subject. "So you were saying?"

 "Ah, uh, we have the double room."

 "And...?" I started. Where was he going with this?

 "And..." He faltered, "Well, I, uh, thought that we, uh, would be, uh..."

 My Wolf yipped in excitement but I kept my poker face. "...You thought we would be sharing the double room," I finished for him.

 A blush rose to his cheeks. He backed up and opened the door without turning around. "I'll leave."

 I nodded and he shut the door after him. I jumped when I heard him curse loudly, "So fucking smooth, Josh."

 I held in giggles as I changed. I jumped on the bed and with another thought, locked the door before falling asleep.

     ⌛   ⌛   ⌛

 I was ready before Danny and Joshua had even woken up.

 "Joshua? Danny?" I patted on the door knowing I wouldn't have to speak very loud to grab their attention.

 Apparently I was wrong.

 "Danny! Joshua!" It was awhile before I just removed a pin from my hair and just let myself in. I was kind of weird-ed out to see them both in bed, asleep next to each other. Without a further ado, I walked over and kicked the mattress. Danny bolted upright, "What-what's going on?" He slurred, still sleepy.

 "It's eight o'clock and we have to get a move on, wake Joshua up would you?" I ordered as I started packing up their clothes, leaving some to change into.

 Turns out they just slept in their boxers. Now I could see why Joshua wanted to share a room with me. Danny trotted into the bathroom with some clothes and Joshua was just changing into his.

 "You look nice," I turned to see Joshua pulling on a polo shirt - shame - as his eyes raked my body.

 I looked down to see some grey jeans and a dark green blouse. I wasn't one to worry about my looks, I mostly just brushed my hair into a ponytail, but I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks."

 After Danny took a ridiculously long shower, we took off, but not before giving 'Miss Blondie' a wink.

 I tossed Danny the keys, "I'm sick of driving," I said before climbing in after Joshua. Danny slid into the driver's seat and stared at the steering wheel. "You do know how to drive right?" I asked, quite patronizingly.

 "Yeah, of course... It's just that, there's this..." I reached down the windshield and dangled a silver dagger between his forefinger and his thumb.

 "Yeah, that's mine. Put it back where it came from," I told him before he pushed it down the dashboard. He started up the car and I put on the radio.

 "We're on the highway to hell!" Blasted out of the radio speakers. I shook my head, I guess I'll be meeting Joshua's family... That would be my own personal hell.

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