5. Once in a Blue Moon

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 I decided to stay at a cheap motel rather than making the long trip home. It was sad to say that the forty dollar room was better furnished then my own home. Then again, I was basically homeless. I sighed with a sense of strong longing as I fell onto the bed.

 I longed for a nice house. I longed for a friend. I longed for companion. I longed for a family. I longed for my Mate.

 My Wolf cried and I shushed her. I was not one for weakness, she should know this. She kept crying and I took in a deep breath. I had to seek my vengeance. How could I do that with a mate on my hands? I can't juggle the life of a Luna while massacring one of the strongest packs known to the Wolf world.

 I turned on the television and listened to the late-night telly. I stared at the stained ceiling and huffed. I turned my head and stared at the bag that held more money then I could get my hands on in a year. There was a small sense of victory but it didn't last. I wondered what I should with the money.

 I had three grand to spend. I should probably leave it for a rainy day. I huffed. After today I just felt mentally and physically drained. I fell asleep to the sound of cheesy bull adverts...

 I payed with my debit card to a very depressed man and was on my way

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I payed with my debit card to a very depressed man and was on my way. I climbed into my seat and threw the bag on the passenger seat. With a start of the engine I was out of there and travelling the road to home.

 I drove with a new bounce in my step, metaphorically. I decided not to let the whole 'mate' business get to me. I would surf that tide when it comes. For now I would focus on exterminating the rats that called themselves 'wolves'.

 I sang along to some top chart song as I drove and tried to ignore my sorrowful Wolf. She wasn't really keen to the idea to ignore my Mate.

 Ignore?! Ignore?! You cannot ignore our Fate! I can sense his misery that you've put him through! She cried and I swallowed my guilt.

 ...Well I can't, therefore it is possible for me to ignore it! I breathed in deeply. I could feel her screaming at me but I blocked out her incessant whining.

 A big part of me felt guilty and awful and bad and disappointed in my own cowardice. I tried my best to shrug it off and let the music take over my thoughts.

 I bobbed my head, wet from the weak shower that was better than the one I had at home. I drove through the city and reached the dark parts. I noticed a few shady figures in the alley and slowed down. I was silently weighing the pros and cons and realized there was nothing to worry about. I took a U-turn and slowed down as one of them ran over.

 A few moments of haggling, I drove away with a little baggy of pot. Drugs didn't really make wolves addicted but it still got us high. At least Fate gave us some leverage.

 I sighed deeply. Pot wasn't really my thing but it didn't stop me having a spliff once in a blue moon. Plus I really needed it now.

 Wow, just think if the fuzz pulled me over now. Guns, bloodied weapons in the back, a bag of five grand and some pot. I laughed dryly, no speeding for me! I huffed, laughing through my nose.

 Suddenly my thoughts veered to my mate. What was he doing right now?

 He could be doing us... My Wolf thought lustfully. I shivered and shook the thoughts away. I had to concentrate now.

 Was he looking for me? Or left me alone and went off with someone else? A proper wolf who could actually become Luna and wasn't some scum of the earth?

 My Wolf howled in pain and I took a shallow shaky breath. My heart twisted painfully and I shook away the thoughts. I had other things to do!

 I pressed down on the accelerator regardless of whether I was speeding. Emotions were just taking over and I was thinking clearly. This is why I hate emotions. I had stuff to do and I will not let my Wolfish hormones take that away from me!

 Flashes of bloody old friends, torn down buildings and my family played with my head. I took in short shallow breaths and kept my eyes on the road. Eyes on the prize.

 After what seemed like hours, I soon arrived at my small cabin. I drove through the mountains that hid the shady cabin and I felt a little queasy. I slowed down, there was someone here. Watching me.

 I kept driving, rolling down my window as I did. Inhaling the scents of trees and a lake near by, I knew they had hid their smell. That could only mean they were a threat.

 Was it the Blood Wanderers? Had they come find me to seek revenge? Or had Fern sold me out? Told everyone where I lived.

 I wouldn't blame her. I had kidnapped the poor girl but she had said she would miss me. Maybe she had told her brother -Your mate, my Wolf cut in for me. I ignored her - because she believe this would make me happy. Happy to be with my mate. But I had drove away after seconds of realizing who he was. Was that not enough?!

 A rustle to the left and I almost snapped my neck. I popped open the dash board and pulled out a hand gun. By the time I reached the cabin I was going ten miles per hour. I killed the engine and slowly got out as if I hadn't noticed anything.

 I hid the gun in my pocket but kept a firm hold. Taking in a deep breath, the smell of something unfamiliar kept me alert. My Wolf was already perked up and I felt goosebumps line my body. I could hear the panels creak under footsteps.

 They were inside.

 They knew I was here.

 I took slow silent steps up to the door and stood still. Nothing. My hand reached out and just as I was about to turn it-

 "Ah, hello?" I froze at the seemingly friendly voice. They spoke from inside.

 I didn't answer and clutched my gun harder. I almost fell weak at the knees when I heard that voice, "Dude? What are you doing?! Were you not there when she killed twenty Blood Wanderers?!"

 It was him. His voice was hushed with disbelief. His deep voice sent shivers through my spine and I nearly sighed from awe. My Wolf jumped with glee and my senses could pick up the well-known eucalyptus smell.

 But the rational part had heard what he had said. He was scared of me. My heart sunk and I took a deep breath.

 My hand reached out and turned the door knob. I took my stance with my gun pointing at both of them. The two werewolves jumped back in shock and my mate caught my eye.

 I could only stare into his brown ones as I held him at gun point.

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