6. So What Do We Do Now?

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A/N: Hey. I think this is my first A/N so it's nice to meet you. I'm actually british but decided to set this is America, so I'm sorry if I messed up some USA facts or I'm ignorant about the culture... why I set it in USA? I don't know. I think it's weird to think of werewolves walking around England. Okay maybe Scotland but that's it... So I think it's been a day since I've posted? I don't know, time is weird since I've been driving over Europe. I'm currently in Budapest which means I have another twelve hours 'till we hit home. Yay.

They both their hands up in surrender position, their expressions so shocked and bemused - I would have laughed. But I didn't. I didn't know what to do.

I would have killed them on sight and melted their bodies. But I have to cross that off.

When I finally was able to drag away from my mate, my Wolf constantly insisting I jump him - right here, right now, I scanned his friend.

His friend had a boyish grin, he looked in his late teens. With long brown hair that reached to his ears and hazel eyes, he gave me a tentative smile.

I clutched onto my gun, was this guy mad?! My mate only gave me a blank stare, my gun reflecting in his eyes. God, I could stare in them all day - but was no time for that.

I swallowed and, following my Wolf's nags, I dropped the gun. I could see my mate sag with relief and his friend had the audacity to sigh.

I hooked my gun belt halter, which I wore all the time, and went back to my car. They had obviously come here to talk to me. I was not in the mood. I had stuff to do. Slamming the car door shut, I picked up my bag and everything that I needed.

They hadn't moved from their spot when I walked back in. In fact all they did was dropping their hands to their sides and watch me. I continued as if they weren't there, which was hard because my skin was on fire just with his gaze on me. I swallowed down the urge to jump him and dumped my money bag on my bed. I could hear shuffling behind me, probably discussing what to do.

My Wolf cried and shouted and moaned and whined but I ignored it all. I was doing this my way. I had been listening to her when it came to seeking revenge but not now. This was something I needed to do on my own. We're the same fucking person, you little cu- I blocked out my Wolf's protests with difficulty. My relationship with my Wolf and I was complicated, to say the least.

"So you managed to get past the 'force field'," I mused as dumped all of my dirty washing in the washing machine. Yes, there was a 'force field' around this place. Well not really, just a spell some old witch gave me after I gave her the pleasure of murdering her enemy, the old Blood Wanderer's Beta, after she had found me ready to rip his throat out. It sounds diabolical right? That guy admitted to me that he had killed my child-hood best friend's family. Oh and apparently he had ransacked the witch's house and killed her family and left her to die. So it was some nice revengeful bonding between the remorseful witch and the damaged me. "Did you get burned?" I asked. I knew the mist that surrounding the cabin was in fact silver and attacked anyone who I gave no permission to enter. Yes, a violent mist indeed.

"Uh, yeah..." I was disappointed when the friend spoke up, "My pant leg got caught on the branches and I kind of burnt off my leg..." He exaggerated.

I opened up my drawer and pulled out a jar of green cream, courtesy of the witch. I threw it and the friend caught it perfectly. I watched as he awkwardly walked over to my sofa and flopped onto it. My eyes drifted from him and onto my mate's.

He must have felt my gaze because his eyes met mine. I stared at him blankly and his lip curled into a smile. I would have sighed if I wasn't careful, but I was, and I didn't. Instead I gave him a sheepish smile and he looked at me shocked. Yes, I thought, I do have some feelings, contrary to what you think.

"So... what is it that you want?" I got straight to the point. I wasn't one for small talk.

My mate didn't speak although I was looking at him when I asked the question. The friend sensed the tension and stood up, careful not to drop his torn pant leg. "Uh, we wondered what you were... Uh," he stumbled over his words, looking for an excuse. "I... We would like to know what you're planning..."

I answered almost automatically. "What I'm planning," I repeated. "I'm planning to spend this money to update my weaponry, then corner some Blood Wanderers, kill them off. If the pack has not realized why they keep dropping off everywhere, they will. Then I'll massacre their pack, leaving the Alpha 'till last. I'll make sure his mate is alive though," I added after some thought. "Just so he can watch as I kill his mate knowing he'll be next. Then I'll take all their goods - there must be come valuables, they're known for their 'pirate' approach. Then I'll live somewhere in the city, living off the filthy blood money... That's what I'm planning."

His friend swallowed with a disgusted look. My mate closed his eyes for a few seconds. "Why?" His horse voice choked out.

"Why? The only thought of murdering them had kept me alive for the last six years. Who can deny me the right for my bloody revenge?" I asked the rhetorical question. There was no answer. "As you can see, I'm as fucked up as - well I don't know, I don't tend to go out. So, I'm damaged goods, only driven by the thought of murdering those fucking bastards. I don't have time to be a 'mate', to be become a Luna. I'm a Rogue. It's all I'll ever be..."

There was a long moment of silence. I could tell they didn't miss the desperation and sorrow in my voice that I couldn't cover up. My mate met my eyes and he said in an almost choked voice, "So you're... Rejecting me?"

"...I don't know." I answered. "But you two have to get out." I crossed the floor and wrenched open my secret room. They decided to follow me as we walked past the rows of weapons. I stopped and pulled off the cloth of a screen. Pictures of Blood Wanderers screamed at me and photos of bloody disfigured victims of the pack stared at me. Red string criss-crossed over the screen and notes were plastered over it. In the centre the map of Idaho, a single red circle in the centre. "I think it will be another year or two before I finish it all. Wipe them out, I mean." I turned and they stared at me with shocked faces, clearly having no idea what was going on. "I'll find you then. And then, I don't what will happen. I'd be some cold-hearted bitch of only nineteen and you would be the, the... Well I don't want to set in stone. We can never know of the future. So I'll see you then," I nodded with conviction and backed them out.

My Mate raised his hands, "Can I at least have a say?" He asked. I backed him out of the room and they stood on the porch.

"Yes, of course. But whether I would listen is another question." I finished with that and slammed the door. I had successfully kicked out my mate out of the house with only the promise of meeting after one/two years.

Great, what a lively reunion that will be.

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