4. The Cowardess

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 To say I was grateful that I took my weapons was an understatement. As they ran into the clearing, I gunned them down like fish in a barrel.

Apparently, they weren't aware that I was carrying. The Alpha and Beta went to attack but realize that they could end up as another target. They, fortunately, took their place by the side of the trees. Fern had been pulled to the side as Alpha dragged her by the scruff of her neck, obviously not having time for decencies.

Soon humans replaced the wolves and I was soon running out of bullets. I dropped the machine gun and pulled out my handgun. I stood my ground, wolves coming at me, each time being shot down. They came at me with ferocity and I kept shooting them down.

The up-side with guns is that they efficient, handy and easy to get used to. But they can be boring and I can lose my whole Wolfish side. I could feel her as I shot them down. She wanted to get out, kill them all and rip them apart. I held her back.

Soon I shot the last wolf and I sagged against the car. I started counting the naked bodies and my Wolf smirked when I reached twenty-two. The pack had over eighty wolves and I had massacred over a quarter of their pack.

I sighed and wiped my brow. Suddenly feeling drained, I dropped my guns in the back and took off my bulletproof vest. Werewolves weren't accustomed to guns or weapons as such, which gave me a massive advantage. The bulletproof vest was just in case one of them got close enough to try and claw out my heart.

I dropped the vest in the back and pulled the waterproof cover over everything. With another thought, I took the bag from underneath and threw it onto the passenger seat. I felt better with it close to me.

I slid into my car and was about to start my engine when I heard the Alpha call out to me.

"Wait? Charlotte, is it?" He asked. I turned to him and found that all of the werewolves were coming out of the woods. They walked in their human form and I was overwhelmed by the smell. I opened up the door and caught of whiff of it. The same eucalyptus and woodsy smell. I sagged in my seat and stared in a daze as my Wolf cried in happiness.

I glanced at them as I tried to find the source and found him. I was aware of the Alpha talking but I only stared at him.

His brown eyes locked on mine. I sat frozen in my seat. My heart leapt to my throat as I stared. I was barely aware of the Alpha realizing why I wasn't responding. He looked from him to me to him. I swallowed as my eyes raked over the brown hair, his soft eyes, soft lips, broad shoulders, two long legs.

"No way, Charlotte is Mates with my brother?!" Fern called out in mix of shock and happiness.

That made me snap out of it. I slammed the door and shifted into drive before skidding off.

I slammed the door and shifted into drive before skidding off

I parked at the diner and stepped inside. Taking a seat at the bar, a busty waitress asked my order. "Ah, can I have two Mushroom Swiss Burgers, both with extra fries and a large lemonade?" I passed the menu to her as she noted it down.

"Will there be anybody joining you?" She asked with a smile.

"Nope." Her smile faltered and she stared for a few seconds before walking away.

I rested my forehead on my arm and stared at the sticky top. I finally let my Wolf and she started whining, something she doesn't do very often.

Why the hell would you just leave? She whined. I kept asking myself the same thing.

I don't know really, I answered her, it's like you were so happy and so was I. But part of me just felt so... scared.

I lifted my head and sighed as I rubbed my face. I cursed myself over and over and soon my Wolf joined in too. I realized that I was such a coward.

Who finds their Mate and then runs?

Apparently, you do, my Wolf tried to joke but I could hear the sorrow in her voice. I sighed and didn't say anything as my find came. I ate numbly, not even thinking about what I was putting in my mouth. His wide brown eyes kept flashing in my mind. God knows how he felt when I drove off without a word. And to think that he's Fern's brother! Things were moving too fast for my liking.

I hated change. I hated it ever since then.

I can remember my mother dressing me up for some Christmas party. I don't remember how old I was or when it was or what I was wearing but I remember what she said.

"Baby, when you find your mate, everything will be alright," I could still see her eyes that shined with her happy memories. I could remember myself wishing to have that same look when I did my own daughter's hair.

What bull.

He probably wants nothing to do with me with that stunt I just pulled.

My Wolf cried out and I could pain ripping through my chest. I choked back a sob and had to put my burger down.

It's true, though. What a way to start off. Normally mates would run into each other's arms. Mate that same day and become one.

I just hated the idea of someone being in my head. Knowing every thought and feel I had. I have fucked up already. Couldn't have someone else dragged into my shit. Shit, I swear when I get nervous. It's never gone away because there was no one to-

I didn't finish that thought.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat and kept eating. I realized that Fern's brother was actually the son of an Alpha which would make him an Alpha in the future. Which would make me a Luna...

I'm a fricking Rogue. I can't lead a pack.

I realized that the first time he saw me was handing over his little sister who was my hostage for five grand. Then murdering twenty wolves.

What a great first impression.

I finished off my first meal and moved onto the next one. As I took a bite I found that the man sitting next to me was watching me with a blank look. I looked over to him and ate while I stared into his eyes. He looked away and I carried on as normal.

Murder was obviously illegal but there are executions in the Wolf world. Though those were only if a wolf has done something so horrible. Maybe like killing another pack member or failing to take over the Alpha after a duel. Pack warriors were known to kill threats and those Blood Wanderers were definitely threats.

But I didn't really give that sweet-virginal-girl-next-door-perfect-mate vibe. I was a virgin and a girl, so I could tick that off. Wolves tend to keep themselves for their mates so that wasn't really much. And half the population was a girl so... I guess I have nothing that he would ever dream of.

My Wolf whined and a sharp pain ripped through my chest once again. She chastised me for thinking so negatively. Mates were perfect for each other. They are so supposed to find the others perfect in their own eyes and love them no matter what.

I had just thrown it away.

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