Pepe the froooooooooog

112 11 10

Yuri!!! On ice is so gay, like, hella gay. It's making me suffocate and I love it.

"Where's momma?"
"Because he's a hero."
There were days like this. Tino left an empty spot in the family, filled only by a day to day routine of dropping the boys off with Arthur and Lukas and then spending a long, boring day at work.
The worst part was nights. Erland was still in his crying phase, so when Berwald wasn't consoling him he was lying in a cold bed waiting.
Tino had to keep his phone off for safety reasons, so it was lonelier. His heart was breaking.
But the prospect of having the Finn back at his side within a matter of days was what kept him going through the worst of it.
"Daaaaaaad! Erland broke my toy truck."
"He's a baby."
"He's an evil baby."
"He didn't break your truck." Berwald sighed.
"He did. He's out to get me."
"Peter, go build a table when you're angry. Remember what I taught you."
Peter rolled his eyes. "Fiiiiine."
More tables for the dungeon.
The Swede sipped on his coffee and flipped through the Saturday morning newspaper, hoping to be updated on what was going on down south.
Fortunately, he had news.
But unfortunately, that news wasn't good.
Assassination attempt thwarted by FBI.
"Tino!" Berwald gasped, reading the article for any information on the whereabouts of his love.
Apparently one of the team members mistook a giant bowl of soggy Cheetos for the president and misfired, causing the entire team's location to be discovered. They were all caught, some killed. The article hadn't released any names.
"No!" Berwald could feel the ground crumbling from beneath him. His lover, his reason for life, could be dead!!!!
Tino couldn't die.
There was no way. He was too tough for that.
Plus, Berwald knew that he would feel something if Tino was dead. And he didn't feel it now.
There was still hope.
"Dad..." Peter came back from the workshop where he was building tables probably idk his life and sat down at the table. "When's momma coming home?"
Berwald swallowed the lump in his throat like I swallow my feelings and kept his eyes trained on that dreaded newspaper.
"In a few days."
"I miss him."
"I miss him too."
"Do you think he'll bring me back a gift."
"Of course he will." Berwald struggled to keep from crying.
"Will we get to go next time?"
"Probably not. America will always be sewage."
"Can we go somewhere else?"
"We can go to Sweden and learn table making from the greats."
"Yay!" Peter cheered, unknowing of the perils in this world.
"Or we can go to Finland and work for Santa even tho the North Pole is currently owned by Canada."
"Can we visit Disney land?"
Peter got up from his chair and hugged Berwald tightly. "You're the best dad in the whole world."
"And you're the best adopted son."
"I'm adopted?"
"Let's go the the park or smth."
"Can we leave Erland at home?"
"But daaaaaaaaaad."
"No buts. Babies can't be left alone."
"Hanatamago can babysit him."
"Hanatamago is a dog."
"Hanatamago speaks to me from inside the walls where she lives."
"You need therapy, son."
"You're one to talk."

I'm concerned for these sinners.

Young Like UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon