Fucjing Hell

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Me, watching Charlotte: God I hate that child. She's so annoying make her stop.
Me, five episodes into the series: shit I'm so sorry oh god I take it back!!!

"OH MY GOSH! BERWALD!!!!!" Tino screamed like a goat when Berwald pulled the puppy out of his jacket. It was small and white and had bitten him in the pet store. That was when he knew this dog was perfect for Tino.
Because both Tino and the dog had bitten him.
Except Tino had bitten him with love.
"What's her name?"
"Hanatamago." He was really just spewing gibberish.
The puppy yipped and jumped into Tino's welcoming arms.
"Do you love him?"
Tino ran over to Matthias, who was sitting on the couch.
"LOOK AT MY CHILD!" He shouted.
Matthias started to laugh, but Hanatamago bit his nose.
"I LOVE HIM TOO!" Lukas shouted excitedly.
"Same tbh." Berwald muttered, smirking at the Dane.
A little ding cut the moment short.
"Oh! The guests are here!" Tino chirped.
"I'll get the turkey out of the dryer." Matthias volunteered.
"The dryer?"
"Uh...the thing."
"You've got to stop drinking before noon." Lukas rolled his eyes, following Tino to the front door.
"Good afternoon!" A British guy stepped through the door, taking off his hat and coat, hanging them on the hook by the door.
"Arthur!" The Norwegian, still not showing much emotion, stepped forward and kissed the Brit on the cheek.
"You must be Arthur." Berwald guessed.
"Why, yes. And you are?"
"Tino's my wife."
"Stop calling me that!" Tino giggled, eyes filled with murder.
"But you are my wife."
"He's kinda right. You're like his little housewife." Matthias smirked. "Except you can't cook." For once the Dane was being useful.
"You can't live off cookies, right Sverige."
"I could live off anything as long as Tino's by my side."
Damn son.
"AWEWWEEE!" Tino giggled and jumped into Berwald's arms, kissing his lips softly. The swede didn't know where the dog went, but it was probably somewhere he could chew up furniture. "You're the best!"
"No, babe, you are."
"Don't ever call me babe again."
"Yes sir."
"And the cutie award goes to you two!" Matthew walked through the door as if he lived here. Maybe he did. You don't know his life.
He carried a white bear in his arms. The creature looked hella hungry and Berwald hoped that small dogs were not on the menu.
"Hey Mattie!"
"Like, could you just stay in the car or smth?" Another boy about Emil's age wandered in a few seconds after Matthew. He had an older male with him, this one with his long hair in a ponytail. He also carried a bear with him, but this one was a panda.
"Who's this?" Lukas asked.
"This is Leon...and Yao apparently..." Emil stepped out of the closet, wearing a cute, vintage sweater.
"Like, hey there." Leon leaned in for a full make out session with the Icelander.
Yao and Lukas were appalled.
"Now, now boys. This isn't the love shack. Take a seat and let's get started on the food."
"Yaaas." Leon cheered.
Everybody sat down at the Viking table and started to fill their plates.
Kuma kept begging, so Matthew set him on the floor. The panda followed soon after.
Dinner turned out to be super fun!
Everybody chatted and laughed and, at the end, Tino gave Berwald the sweetest and most lingering kiss he had ever had.
He went home happier than he had ever been before.


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