Auction X Attack

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(Y/N) pov
We ( me, Melody,and Kurapika) were watching the building ( where the auction was ) then we saw police men or women going to the building 'there here' I thought "something happened" said Melody "call the leader Melody" Kurapika demanded so then Melody and we went to go check the building. Kurapika checked where the auction was and Melody checked where they were keeping the goods and me well I checked upstairs cause the building was like this:        
                                                                                                                                      upstairs ( (Y/N) )
where the auction was (Kurapika)
where the goods are (Melody)

After that we went to regroup and then we drove to the cannon when we got there agents (I think?) so they saw the well some of the phantom troupe but then a man (Uvo) came and the agents attacked him but you know what it didn't work.

A man ever tried a bazooka (I think) but Uvo only said "that ticked a little" then he killed all of the agents. "Okay team we have to capture him" Dalzollene said "no way I'm doing that" Squala "leave it to me" Kurapika said I could feel his rage I was angry to just control it not showing any anger.

"No Kurapika we need a plan first" Dalzollene said but Kurapika was walking still so Dalzollene caught his hand but Kurapika whacked it away then turned to him. Dalzollene was shocked I could tell cause Kurapika looked at him with his scarlet eyes then we all hear a calming music (fluent music to be exact) then we all see Melody.

"Thank you Melody" Kurapika said "your welcome" she replied then Melody says "I hear heart beats" then some people who looked weird ( like Majitani from trick tower) popped up. They were leach, porcupine, rabid dog, and worm. They were 4 of the shadow beast cause there are 10. Then they went to go fight Uvo.

~ ~ ~ Time Skip ~ ~ ~ (after the battle cause Glory-chan is to lazy to write now)

Uvo has won the like literally killed the 4 shadow beast "I have plan to capture him" said Kurapika "what is it?" Dalzollene asked "just get the cars so we can leave when I get him" Kurapika said "but (Y/N) I'll need your help" he said I nodded "okay since you have a nen that let's you freeze time I need you to use it but not on me then I'll use my chains to get him" Kurapika said "okay" I responded so we did that and it turned out fine. Then we went into the car I sat beside Uvo "you sure about that?" Melody asked me "I'll be fine" I answered so then Kurapika started to drive.

Done this chapter sorry it is so short I am a bit tired but I'm okay okay I'll try to update soon school is a pain but it is still good well see you later bye bye and don't forget to read my two other books bye bye.
~ Glory-chan

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