Chapter 18

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I'm back! So... CHAPTER 18!!!!!!!! It's kind of a filler chapter, but to make up for it, Chapter 19 will be THE FINAL BATTLE!!!!!!! Oh my God this story seems to have gone by so fast! *Sigh*.  Oh my crapsticks I am so sentimental! Stuff that! *Does a little reassuring happy dance* Yeah... *Does chicken dance* Muahahahahaha. Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na! *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!*

Anyway... Please comment etc etc. They are like pringles and gummy bears and sporks and duct tape: For anyone who didnt get that, it means they make me SMILE! So yes, please do that, but most of all...

ENJOY!  or I will eat you for breakfast... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter Eighteen

My dreams that night were troubled…

‘Cyris…’ I swung around. I was in a room. Mirrors were on every wall, like in a ballet studio. The voice… ‘You’ll never win Cyris…’ I turned again. Nothing more than I got the last time: Just a flash of bright, malice-filled blue eyes.

‘Give up Cyris...’ The voice hissed, barely a whisper and yet I heard him so well. ‘You were never strong enough. You will die Cyris, along with your little dragon friends…’

“NO!” I yelled. I twirled around, my head spinning.

‘But you have a choice Cyris…’ I didn’t answer. I didn’t trust myself enough. ‘You can die, alone, having never been loved, always alone… Or you can join me, Cyris.’ The voice was getting stronger now. I whipped around. This time I saw a flash of light brown hair. ‘We could be great together Cyris. We could rule the world… And you would never be alone again. You don’t have to be alone, Cyris…’ I was panting. My eyes stung with tears. Because he was right. I was alone. I always had been and always will be. ‘Join me, and no one would hurt you ever again! We would be invincible Cyris! Just join me…’ Those last words echoed around the room. Join me… Join me…

I could feel myself succumbing.

“I would never be hurt again.” I whispered, breathless.

‘Never again, Cyris…’ The voice spoke softly in my ear. I was still now, my face blank, brilliant green eyes wet with unshed tears.

“I wouldn’t have to be alone again.” My voice was cracking. A stray tear fell down my face.

‘Not ever again Cyris… Cyris… Cyrissa…’

That snapped me out of it.

“NO!” My voice echoed, and I shook my head to clear it. “I would never join you! You are vile and cruel! And just plain PATHETIC! I will never join you! NEVER!!!”

‘You will come Cyris. In the time when they will need you most, you will abandon your friends…’ A cackling laugh started up in the room.

“NEVER!” I screamed. “NEVER!”

I bolted upright, sweat dripping down my forehead and back.

Never, never, never, never…

I slowed my panting breath, and sighed.

Cyris?’ Callaina’s concerned voice made me jump, and then relax.

“I’m fine, Laina. Go back to sleep. Or the Dreamworld, whatever you go to.” I told her, standing. The dragons had created a little cave for me with their wings – a cave inside a cave, I thought, faintly amused – with no roof. I stood, dusting myself off. I turned to look back at her.

“Just getting a little fresh air.” She nodded, although she looked unconvinced, and curled up once more.

Stepping out of the little circle of wings, I started for the mouth of the cave. It was about a two minute walk, and it gave me enough time to get over the nightmare. When I reached the opening, I smiled. Rain clouds covered the entrance, and I reached my hand out into the wet. I sat on the edge, my legs dangling into the space just between the cloud and the rock of the cave. I put my head in my hands, but quickly pulled them back in surprise when it felt wet. Staring at them, I lifted my fingers to my mouth. It tasted… salty? I was crying? I chuckled slightly. Soon it was a full blown out laughing fit.

The laughter died. I leaned against the rock wall of the cavern.

Going out to war on my birthday. I thought to myself. That is just so me.

I closed my eyes, shifting to get more comfortable. In minutes I was once more asleep.

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