Forty Three

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"So are we really gonna do this thing?" You asked looking at Bucky who was sitting on the bed facing you.

He fought a smile,"This thing being marriage? Well yes I hope so."

You smiled,"You really wanna put up with me for the rest of your life?"

He nodded,"I'd love nothing more."

You smiled and leaned in kissing him.

He smiled and laughed.

"I can't believe you've said yes." He pulled away.

"I can't believe you thought I wouldn't."

He shrugged,"what can I say. You're out of my league."

You rolled your eyes and yawned.

"Let's go back to bed doll."

You sighed and laid down,"My sleeping schedule is so screwed up."

Bucky laid down behind you and wrapped his arms around you before pulling you into him.

He kissed your cheek.

You smiled,"Penelope Barnes. I like it."

You could feel him smile from behind you.  "So do I. Goodnight Mrs. Barnes."

"Goodnight Mr. Barnes."


She said she'd marry me.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

What if she gets tired of me?

What if she realizes she deserves better?

Would she leave me?

I got snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Buck. I got your text. What did you want to talk about?" Steve greeted.

"I asked Penny to marry me."

"Wow man, that's great. She said yes right?"

"Yeah. She did."

"Don't sound so glum pal. "

"I just..." I paused.

"You're worried for no reason. She's crazy about you. She's done so much for you she loves you. She won't change her mind."

"I just..." I sighed,"I didn't even get her a ring. What kind of guy proposes without a ring?"

"I think I may be able to help you out. I'm on my way."

After we said our goodbyes I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Penny's sweet voice filled my ears as she walked up from behind me.

"Just Steve."

"Sharing the good news?"

I smiled,"I sure am doll. I wish the whole world could know."

Doll - Winter Soldier FanficWhere stories live. Discover now