Chapter Thirteen

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I flop face first onto my (F/C) bedsheets. Sting, Rogue, the exceeds and I just got back from that insane job where we had to slay the vulcans. It turned into much more.

There was a stranger who I'm pretty sure wielded ice magic that showed up, and led to a chase through the woods. I mean, hey. At least I got half the reward.  Katsi was really grateful and she even offered three times the jewel, which I declined, much to Sting's disappointment.

Rami went back to Sabertooth to play with Lector and Frosch, and I'm exhausted.

"Hey. What's up?" I scream and jump up at the voice.

I look over at my communication lacrima, which has Sting's laughing face on it.

"What do you want, Sting? I'm too tired to deal with your crap," I flop back into my original position.

"I'm bored. Rogue went out with Yukino, and I have all this paperwork to do," he whines. "Can I come over?"

I groan loudly into my pillow in response.

"Well, I don't care if that was a no or not. I'll be right there," I hear a swoosh, and the call ends.

I sit up, and look at my ripped top and birthmark. Why did the stranger want to know about it? I don't know. I need a break.

I slide off my bed and crawl to my dresser. I sit on my knees and pull out a loose shirt that hangs off my right shoulder. I pull off the tattered remains of what once was clothing, and replace it with the fresh top.

Finally gathering the strength to stand up, I shuffle to my living room and plop down on the couch to wait for Sting to arrive.

"I'm here! Open up, (Y/N)!" The familiar voice sounds.

"Coming!" Just as I sit down. Damnit, Eucliffe! I push myself off the couch and head for the door.

"Hey. Nice place you got," the dragon slayer strides through the doorway.

"Thanks. How do you know where I live?" I follow him to the couch and plop back down where I was.

"Followed your scent. It was pretty easy to pick up."

"Huh. Okay. Want anything?"

"If you're offering, sure. Whatchya got?"

"(Favorite snack is F/S), (F/D), jumbo marshmallows, rocks...yeah I have a pretty weird food selection," a snort escapes my nose.

"I'll take some (F/S)."

I reach my arm out to the cupboard and channel my magic energy. Almost immediately, a purple glow surrounds it and it swings open, revealing (F/S). The same thing happens to the food, but this time, it floats over to the couch. I shut the cupboard and hand the snacks to Sting.

"So," I start. "Why are you here? It's obviously more than just boredom."

"Well, Yukino wanted Rogue to tell me, to tell you that she wants to can a tall, whatever that means," Sting says, shoving some (F/S) into his mouth.

"I think it got mixed up somewhere along the way. She might want to plan a ball. That sounds pretty fun. If she wants my help, I'll do it," I'm really not one for dressing up or dancing but hey, what the hell?

"Throw a ball? Huh. That sounds kinda cool. Maybe I'll come," Sting runs his hand through his spiky blond locks and puts the (F/S) on the spruce wood coffee table.

"Well, if it's your guild that's throwing the ball, you really should come. A dress isn't my go-to choice, but I'll tolerate it if it's for Yukino," I shrug and stand up, walking over to the cabinet. "You wanna go somewhere? I know a great spot."

I grab a rock and infuse it with moon energy. Taking a big chomp, I grab my sash from the coat rack by the front door.

"If you want, but since you're grabbing your sash, I'm pretty sure you want to," Sting pushes himself off the couch and puts the (F/S) back in the cupboard. "Where's the spot?"

"You'll see," I say nonchalantly. "Come on, let's hit it."

%\%\%\%\Time Skip%\%\%\%

"This is it," A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I look up at the giant cherry blossom tree in front of me.

"It's beautiful."

"You haven't seen anything yet," I grab a low branch with my right hand, and pull myself up. I need to lay off Rami's marshmallows. "Come on!"

Sting looks at me and returns my smile. He follows closely behind me as we climb. Soft pink petals fall in my face as I hoist myself onto a sturdy branch high up in the tree. The branch connects to the tree trunk on its long part too, so I lean back and kick my legs off the side, swinging them back and forth.

"There. This is the best view you're gonna get," I look at Sting's face and chuckle lightly seeing his expression.

In front of us is the whole city of Crocus and the mile or so of forest that begins it. The sun glints on the trees, making them look magical, and the city looks so alive with all the people buzzing around.

"How did you find this place?" Sting scoots over to me so our hips are touching. My face gains a bit of heat from the contact.

"When Rami and I were looking for somewhere to live, we found this tree. She flew us up to this very branch, and we slept here for a few nights," I smile at the memory and close my eyes. "Only being twelve at the time, I thought my birthmark had something to do with how comfortable I felt up here."

I open one eye since Sting is being awfully quiet. When I look over, a smile is planted on his face and his eyes are locked on me.

"What're you looking at?" I close my eyes again, placing my hands behind my head.

All of a sudden, I feel something soft and warm against my lips, and a hand on my lower back. I snap open my eyes to see Sting, kissing me.

I flutter my eyes shut and lean into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. The whole world around us seems to melt away as I tangle my fingers in Sting's blond locks and his arms snake around my waist.

Lack of oxygen forces us to pull away, but Sting places multiple butterfly kisses on my lips before pressing his forehead to mine.

"How can so much perfection be in one person?" He whispers.

I laugh, and slap his shoulder. He tickles my sides in return.

"No! No no no! Hahahahaha! Sting! Sting, stop!" I manage to yell out.

"Not until you admit you love me!"

"Never!" That's a lie.

"Oh really? We'll see about that," The blond says, a cocky grin on his face.

Oh, crap. I'm in love.

???'s P.O.V.

I watch as the blond boy tickles (Y/N) in the cherry blossom tree. It seems there's been a slight change in plan. It'll be harder to get to her if he's always at her side. Hmm...I'll figure it out.

You'll help me bring him back. We'll be a family once more.

The Dragon I Loved; A Sting x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now