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"This is the library, are you sure you don't want anyone to stay here with you?" Ariana asked Levy, who was gawking at the massive stone building before her.

"No, it's fine. Just come get me when your ready, I'll be fine." Levy smiled lightly, not looking back at her friends. The group turned and began to walk again towards City Hall, except Gajeel.

"You better stay put, Shrimp." Gajeel said sternly, "This city is bad news." The Iron Mage exchanged a glance with Levy, before turning and joining the others.

It was a short walk to City Hall through the streets crowded with Pokemon, and when they reached the big doors, Ariana stopped. "I-I'm not sure if you'll be able to see Dream... I've tried to get in to see her about Team Fros-"

"Stop worrying, we will get in. If they won't let is in, we'll force our way in!" Natsu smirked, earning a light whack from Lucy.

"Alright then." Ariana chuckled lightly, "...let's go in." She walked in, followed by the Mages. A four-legged cat-like Pokemon sat at the front desk, her pointed snout buried in a book. "That's a Liepard." Ariana whispered to the Wizards, "Well, to be more precise, that's Megan Garry the Liepard. Just a warning, she's bad tempered..."

Megan's eyes darted up, her gaze narrowing at the sight of the odd group approaching the desk. "Mrs. Mew will not be seeing anyone today." The grumpy Pokemon rasped harshly, "If you wish to schedule a meeting with The Mayor you mus-"

Natsu interrupted the Liepard by slamming the job sheet on the desk, "We're here from Earthland, and we need to speak to Dream, NOW!"

Megan looked over the job sheet briefly before looking up, "Alright, one second." She turned to a intercom machine on the other side of the desk. She pressed a button, speaking into the microphone with a hushed voice, laced with urgency. "Dream, um, they're here..."

A muffled, yet beautiful female voice responded from the speaker, "You don't mean... Them?"

"I do. And I'm sending them up." Megan replied, clicking off the intercom and turning back to face the group. "Elevators to the right. Top floor."

The Fairies and Ariana entered the elevator, all eight shoving into the tiny space and making their way to the top floor. When the elevator finally stopped, the doors parted to reveal a large room with windows making up the back wall, with a large desk in the middle of the massive space. A tiny, pink and floating, cat-like creature sat behind the desk, her wide, baby-blue eyes afire with curiosity and excitement. "Come in my friends, we have a lot to discuss." She said in her oh-so-sweet voice. The eight approached slowly and cautiously, and Dream chuckled lightly, "Don't be shy. Come forward, tell me your names." She examined the group before speaking again, "You, there- the Flygon. You are Ariana Franklin, correct? Daughter of-"

Ariana cut her off sharply, "Yes, it's me. I'm just an escort for the Wizards, I'm not getting involved again." The Mages looked at eachother in confusion, before shrugging it off.

"Yes, very well, Miss Franklin. Now, Wizards from Earthland, please, could you tell me the names of those who will be slaying Team Frostbite?" Dream smiled and stood up in her desk, a hopeful grin on her tiny face.

"Well, you see Miss Mayor, we aren't going to be doing that. We can't." Erza explained in a gentle voice.

"Why, what do you mean?" Dream's smile faded, "You have to, that's why your here."

"Look lady, we want to go home." Gajeel responded roughly.

"This isn't our world. We don't belong here, and we don't know how to use our powers." Juvia explained, her voice ringing with concern and sadness.

Dream looked at the group with bitter confusion in her eyes, "But surely you were prepared for this, after all, you read the job sheet I issued..."

"We didn't come here on purpose. It was all an accident! We didn't mean to read the spell off the job sheet!" Lucy said.

"So please, can't you just send us back already?" Gray spoke up.

Dream looked down, shaking her head. "No. I won't."

"WHAT?!?" The Fairy Tail members all yelled out in unison.

"You don't understand how desperate I am." The Mew explained sadly, not daring to look up at the distraught Mages. "I needed someone from another world to do this. Our own citizens are too frightened, and our Police Arcanines... Most have retired or left the service or... even..." She paused, a brief sob escaping her throat.

Erza looked at her with concern, "I thought this was just a normal gang? Surely, a well trained Law-Enforcer could deal with such petty criminals."

"Team Frostbite may have started off as just your typical gang of criminals, but it's gotten much worse. No one can stop them. Their numbers have grown, and rumors have flown about, telling that there is a mastermind behind Frostbite that is incredibly powerful. None of the Officers that have investigated this supposed Mastermind have returned from their missions." Dream looked up, wiping her tears away with a tiny paw. "And I need you Wizards to stop them! Legends around the Worlds speak of powerful Earthland Wizards, so I sent for you guys! I used some of my little remaining power to do this!" The Mew cried desperately, her voice wavering, "If I send you back now, I wouldn't have enough power left to send another group here again! Your my last hope! This city is all I've ever had, and I'm supposed to sit back here and watch it die?" Dream cried, tears falling out of her beautiful blue eyes.

After sitting in silence for a few moments, Erza spoke up. "Alright then. We'll do it."

"You can't be serious, Red?" Gajeel huffed, "We aren't really doing this?"

"I am, and we are." Erza stated simply.

"But we don't even know how to use our magic." Lucy said.

"Then we'll learn."

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Dream leaped up, smiling widely, "You can't believe how thankful I am to hear this! Thank you! All of you!" She flew over to them, giving each of them a brief hug. Gajeel and Gray both scowled throughout, naturally.

"You still haven't told me your names." The Mew said with a smile.

"I am Erza, nice to meet you Miss. Mayor."


"The Name's Natsu!"

"I'm Wendy! Hello!"

"I'm Juvia!"

"... Gray..."

"I'm Gajeel, and it's not a pleasure to meet you."

Mew shrugged off the negativity with a cheerful smile, gesturing to the elevator. "Well, my friends, I will leave you to train. Should two weeks be enough? You can also take some time to learn more about Team Frostbite, if you can. But, I'd recommend staying out of their way for now."

"Understood. We will be back here in two weeks time, ready for further instructions." Erza nodded, and turned to leave, "Come alone comrades, we have much to do." The others, Ariana included, starting walking over to the exit, until a call from Dream stopped the Flygon.

"Oh, and Ariana," Dream spoke up, "If you could assist the group, in whatever they need, you'd be doing a great service to the city, and to your parents as well..."

"...Alright." Ariana scowled lightly, before nodding numbly and followed the group.

(To be continued...)

(Ooh possible Plot twist with Ariana, aye? What happened to her in the past? Leave your guesses below? There's more to this cheerful girl than meets the eye!)

Powerful - Pokemon/Fairy Tail Crossover (Nalu, Gruvia, Gale)Where stories live. Discover now