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Ariana poked at the flames she had lit in the fireplace, a content smile on her face as she tended the gentle fire. The group of Mages gathered around, sitting on the soft, carpeted floor. Levy searched the wooden bookshelves, scanning each worn binding carefully. "The book that you're lookin' for should be near the bottom!" The Flygon called from the fireplace, poking the fire with a long metal prod.

"Thanks! I found it!" Levy smiled and tried to pull out a large book. She struggled with her fore-paws, clawing wildly to get the book out before pushing it lightly with her muzzle. Ariana sighed and flew over to Levy, landing beside her lightly.

"Focus your mind." Ariana's eyes closed tightly, and she placed a clawed hand on Levy's shoulder. "You're a Psychic Type. You can lift things psychically."

Levy looked at her with wide eyes, "Without even using a spell-"

"Focus." The Flygon continued, "To use the magic within you, you must embrace it and feel it within you."

Levy closed her eyes, shifting her paws before her glowing eyes opened widely. The book flew off of the shelf, levitating into the air above the Mage's head. She walked lightly towards her friends, her eyes still glowing white as the book followed her in midair. As she sat down, the book slowly fell to the ground in front of her. "I did it."

"Excellent!" Ariana smiled, clapping her little claws together.

Levy opened the book with her tiny paw, scanning the page of contents before turning a few pages. "This book is titled, 'The Complete guide to Pokemon.' It starts with naming the types. It says here that there are 18 Known Types of Pokemon. Normal, Fire, Grass, Water, Flying, Electric, Fighting, Poison, Rock, Ground, Psychic, Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Dragon and Fairy. Pokemon can be one type, or a mix of two. Each type is weak to one or more other types, which means the stronger has the advantage in battle."

Ariana spoke up from the fireplace, where she sat, peacefully watching the flames. "I'm Ground and Dragon type. I'm weak to Ice and Fairy Types."

Levy nodded, "After the list of types, it has the complete A to Z list of Pokemon. We'll start with you, Natsu. Let's go to 'C' for Charizard." She flipped around in the book, stopping on the page with the printed picture of the orange dragon-like Pokemon. "Charizard," Levy read, "The Flame Pokemon. It evolved from Charmelion, who evolves from Charmander. Despite common belief, Charizard is not a Dragon type, but is instead a Flying and Fire type."

"Darn it." Natsu grumbled, crossing his tiny arms and scowling.

"However." Levy continued, squinting her eyes to read, "Charizard is still a powerful opponent, breathing intense, hot flames that can melt almost anything. Its breath inflicts terrible pain."  Natsu perked up, his eyes gleaming with the hunger for battle. "As a Fire and Flying type, it is extremely weak to the Rock type, but is also weak against Electric and Water types."

"Ha, so even in this universe, Laxus could kick your butt." Gray smirked.

Natsu smirked, "Alright then, Levy, do Gray's next, let's see what it has to say."

"I'm on it." Levy flipped through the book. "Glaceon, the Fresh Snow Pokemon. Glaceon is one of the eight known evolutions of Eevee. It is a pure Ice type, and so is weak to Steel, Rock and Fire types." Natsu laughed at the word Fire, causing Gray to scowl. "Glaceon, by controlling it's body heat, is able to freeze the atmosphere around it." Levy looked up, flipping the pages of the book until it stopped on 'Gardevoir'. "You next Lucy, and it looks like Ariana was right, the Gardevoir pictured in the book is a different color than you. Gardevoir is called the Embrace Pokemon. It's a combination Psychic and Fairy Type, and is weak to Ghost, Poison and Steel type. It's the evolution of Kirilia, who is the evolution of Ralts. Gardevoir is extremely loyal, and will use all of its Psychic energy to protect those it holds dear."

"Me next! Me next!" Wendy raised a fluffy wing and cheered.

"Alright. Altaria..." Levy flipped around in the book, "Ah, Altaria, the Humming Pokemon. Altaria is a combination Flying and Dragon type, and is weak to Ice, Dragon and Rock types. It evolves from Swablu. Altaria have beautiful wings and voices, and love to fly through the clouds, humming." Wendy smiled contently, flicking her large wings proudly. "Ok Erza, now for you."

"I must admit, I'm really curious why Erza ended up in such a... Girly form." Lucy chuckled.

"Sylveon." Levy looked up from the page, "Sylveon is pure Fairy Type, which means she only has weakness to Poison and Steel types. It is the Fairy Type evolution of Eevee, and was one of the first Fairy Types ever discovered. Sylveon is often revered to as the Queen of the Fairy Type, and is a powerful foe despite its cute and cuddly appearance." Erza gave a satisfied grunt, closing her big blue eyes with a slight smile. "Juvia, let's read yours." The Water Mage shuffled her paws awkwardly. "Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokemon. As a pure Water Type, Vaporeon is only weak to Grass and Electric types. It is an Evolution of Eevee. Vaporeon has a cell structure similar to water, and can melt away and become invisible in water."

"So you still have your water body." Lucy winked at Juvia, who grinned shyly.

"Next up, Gajeel." Levy smiled and looked at the Dragon Slayer fondly, "Lucario, the Aura Pokemon. Lucario is a dual Steel and Fighting type, and is weak to Fire and Ground Types. Lucario is the evolution of Riolu, and Lucario can sense the Auras of other creatures around it, making it a tough opponent." Gajeel smirked. "Alright, last up, me." Levy turned to the page with her breed. "Espeon, the Sun Pokemon. Espeon is a pure Psychic Type. It evolves from Eevee, and is an Evolution of Eevee. Espeon is an extremely loyal and intelligent Pokemon, who would give their life for anyone they deem worthy." Levy smiled and closed the dusty book.

"Well, I think we can see why each of us is in the form we are." Erza smiled lightly.

"Dream's spell to send us here must have put us in bodies with traits similar to our own." Lucy nodded, "In order for us to best understand our powers in order to complete the job."

"She must really want us to complete this job." Gray narrowed his eyes.

"Yea, yea, well you guys can discuss that with Dream tomorrow." Ariana looked up from the gentle fire. "It's late, and you need to rest for the trip to Starstreak. Is sleeping out here alright for you all? There's some blankets in the cabinet over there."

The group of Wizards all nodded, and the Flygon mumbled good nights as she flew into another room. Levy fetched some blankets from the cabinets using her Psychic powers , and handed them out to everyone. Gajeel and Levy took one corner of the room to themselves, settling down close to eachother. Erza took another corner for herself, and Wendy settled in front of the gentle fire, wrapping her fluffy wings around herself for warmth. Natsu took a corner to himself, before Lucy stepped over to him lightly. "Do you mind if I-"

"Go ahead." Natsu responded gruffly, as Lucy settled in next to him. The Celestial Mage smiled as she felt his steady rising and falling of his chest against her side as he drifted of to sleep. "Goodnight, Natsu." She whispered quietly.

Gray settled in the last corner of the room, shifting uncomfortably to try to find a sleeping position. Juvia stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, watching him for a second until dashing off to join him. "My Beloved Gray!" The Ice Mage looked up. "I was hoping, maybe you'd let me sleep beside you?"

Gray looked into her saddened eyes and nodded. He felt bad for her due to his behavior earlier, so her bright, surprised smile warmed him a little inside. "Thank you." She whispered as she curled up close to him, quickly drifting off to sleep.

(To be continued...)

Powerful - Pokemon/Fairy Tail Crossover (Nalu, Gruvia, Gale)Where stories live. Discover now