⏳Chapter 1-The Beginning (Remake)

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•| James |•


I stood alone, quietly observing my surroundings, which were near indescribable. Veritas has been attacked and the chances of there being any survivors are zero to none. I stood upon the highest cliff on the outskirts of the city observing what was once a sanctuary for the Gifted, be covered in a blanket of flames and sorrow. The iconic buildings came crumbling down, homes melting away into nothing; the city itself was becoming a fiery wasteland.

I felt a mysterious, yet familiar, presence approaching. I turned to the sight of two ladies covered in different colored robes; one as white as snow, the other as black as a crow's feathers.

"What do you want?" I said, with anger in my voice. "You witches don't have anything better to do than to poke around in my head?"

"Don't fret, my child. In due time we shall meet face to face, but for now, this is the way we will conduct our business until further preparations are in order. As a friendly reminder, you will address us as Lady Light and Lady Darkness and nothing more," the Lady of Darkness said.

"Right... I'm assuming you two came to try and fill my head with more of your lies and tricks? You should already know I won't be tricked that easily."

"I assure you this is no trick, this is the inevitable fate, in which Veritas and the Gifted have been given."

"This is our fate? Yeah, right. This is not how things are going to end. I'll make sure of it."

"You talk a big game, Nightfury, but you have failed once again, in the attempt to stop the inevitable. What more do you think you could possibly do? Just give up. You will never be able to save them all and you will not stop Veritas' doomsday. Your heroic actions will only lead you down a path of pain and agony until you, too, face the same fate."

I looked over my shoulder at the rising flames and smoke-filled air. The screams of the innocent were so loud that they soon reached the outskirts. I could hear the pain in their voices.

"Do you hear that? The delightful screams of pain, fear... They're suffering because you weren't strong enough to save them. To think, you've witnessed the destruction of your beloved home a countless number of times and you still continue to fight a lost cause."

"That's my job as the Protector of Veritas. I was given this role by the King of Veritas himself, and I'll see to it that nothing ever happens to our home or it's people. That's a promise."

"I admire your loyalty, but now is the time to think of the future; your future. Join us, James Nightfury. Your will is strong but each day it grows weaker. I can make you stronger beyond your wildest dreams."

"I'll never join you!"

I reached for my golden sword that sat at my hip and charged forward towards the two witches. A purple aura covered the ground and multiple skeletons began to rise from out of the ground. They surrounded me and I slashed through each one that stood in my way. I leaped forward into the air, with Lady Darkness in my sight, just standing there with her head down.

I went in for the kill, but I was suddenly stopped mid-slice. I spotted green chains wrapping themselves around my arms and legs; they grew tighter the more I struggled. To my surprise, Lady Light was the conjurer.

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