✒Chapter 5-Restricted

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After training all morning, the remainder of the day was class work

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After training all morning, the remainder of the day was class work. Like I said before, this isn't your typical school; the classrooms were like no other, and most of them were filled with very unusual things. The elemental classes were very different in appearance but they just liked showing off their creativity. Ms. Pixieflower, the Earth element teacher, has her whole room filled with rocks, vines hanging from the ceiling, blooming flowers, and a waterfall right behind her desk. All her students call her Mother Nature. Other clan teachers were just as creative, some even silly, but when it came to teaching there was no time for fun and games.

All clans are assigned to different areas in the academy called sectors; that's where they did their work. During all hours, no clan is allowed to be in another sector other than their own. Anybody who opposes the rule will be punished severely. The last time someone broke the rules they ended up in the Grand Arena fighting a Cyclops; no one heard from him again.

As you already know, there are six major clans, each set to a certain part of the world. Despite there being six clans, there are seven sectors in the academy: Supernatural, Evolution, Vampire, Shadow, Transformation, Warrior, and Restriction-the clan-less outcasts, also known as mixed breeds. Students who possess immense power and rare abilities never before seen are put in the restricted sector. If you enroll and your powers are rare, you're either put in a sector with the clan closest to matching your abilities, or your put in restriction just to be safe. You would think being a part of Restricted was an honor-the thought of everyone knowing your powerful beyond measure should have been great, but trust me, it's not as nice as you think it might be. All the members of Restriction are hated and looked down upon because of something they had no control over: being born of multiple clans' abilities-they were the ultimate weapons.

During the clan wars, nearly three decades ago, clans were intentionally mating with members of another clan, hoping to mix their powers. This reckless act soon backfired and caused more damage than they may have intended. But there was more to it than just mating; a pair of ruthless vigilante's found out a way to transfer powers through a special ritual. So, as a way of putting a stop to the dangerous breeding, a law was passed and signed by the Councils of each clan, stating that neither clan shall mix their bloodline with another clan other than their own. As time passed ways of spotting a mixed breed became easier. After the ritual the person is marked with a strange mark that looks like it had been burned into their skin-an eagle with red wings. If anyone were to break law, the penalty is death; for them and their family.


The time winded down and the sequence of the countdown continued. James made his way down the Hall of Valor. He stopped at the seven gates that led to each of the sectors; each gate was engraved with a special symbol that represented their power:

o Supernatural: An eye that followed your movement

o Evolution: A brain, which glows when it senses an Evolution member

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