✒Chapter 9-Deadly Decisions

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•Deadly Decisions•

James woke up early that morning and headed to the armory to get some last minute practice in before the start of the survival exam

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James woke up early that morning and headed to the armory to get some last minute practice in before the start of the survival exam. On his way, he noticed nurses and other members of staff rushing through the halls. He ignored the commotion and kept on his path until he finally arrived at his destination. He was calm, ready, and for some reason he couldn't take his mind off of Jennifer, or the night before. He had a short blade; slicing through multiple practice dummies around the room.

The static of the intercom bounced against the walls and Crowley began to speak.

"Good morning, Gifted Academy." His voice was cracked and he talked with a sense of depression.

"Something has come up and there's been a terrible accident. All of you know Principle Ronald--our friend, our mentor, our savior; also known as the "King of Veritas". He's given us all a place we can call home and for years he taught and watched over us, so that one day we would be ready to go back out on our own and experience the world outside the Land of Tranquility peacefully. He's always had a place in our hearts and that's why it pains me to inform you all that Principle Ronald was found dead in his office this morning. We have no further information on who did this or why, but we will find out and they will be dealt with."

He cleared his throat.

"Also there has been a change of plans. The date of the exams that was scheduled for next week will now be taken will be taken today, so do what you have to do to prepare yourselves. We have special guests coming this afternoon and I want them to see the very best in Gifted Academy; even when faced with terrifying news. The exam will start in one hour. Be ready for anything."

The intercom shut off and left James in a state of shock. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He knew that if he was hurt, William must have been taking the news the worst. James rushed to the cafeteria; the halls were quiet and empty. He entered the cafeteria to the sight of confusion, depression, and fear--three dangerous emotions you don't want anyone to see here. It was Valentine's Day, but not many people were feeling the love.

"James." Lucille called out. "Come talk to me."

James made his way to the empty lunch line, scanning the rest of the room; no one was eating and no one spoke a word.

"I'm sorry about what happened," said Lucille. "Principle Ronald was one of the nicest people I've ever known and it hurts to know he's no longer with us."

"Everyone has to go eventually, but his time ran out too soon. When I find out who did this Crowley won't have to do anything, I'll personally deal with it myself."

"James don't do anything reckless. I know you're in pain, but if you interfere the Council might punish you just as bad as the assassin."

James didn't want to listen but he knew Lucille was right. Seeking out revenge would only make things worse.

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