✒Chapter 10-Path of Evolution

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•Path of Evolution•

Rose POV (Point of view)

The Forbidden Forest--the wasteland of Veritas

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The Forbidden Forest--the wasteland of Veritas. I've been studying it since I was ten years old--a period in time when Veritas began to drastically change. I knew all that I needed to know plus more, but would my Intel alone be enough to ensure my clans survival?

As we traveled down the mysterious path I decided it was a good time to look over my research of the forest. Over time, I've recorded everything I have ever learned or developed in my black journal: Inventions, blueprints, monsters, and possible ways to enhance my powers.

"So, you're the legend everyone's been talking about. Rose Parker, right?"

"That's what they call me."

"Wow. It's an honor to finally meet you in person. Hi, I'm--"

"Nathan Hawk, son of the legendary bowman Percy Hawk. I saw you take that shot at Casper earlier; I see your father's good genes were passed down to you --very impressive."

"Thank you. I try my best to keep the name of my family alive and well."

"I tried that once before; it's a tough thing to do."

I focused back on my research. The forest was quiet, a little too quiet; I wanted to be ready for anything.

"Uh, Rose, no offense but why exactly do they call you a legend?" Hawk asked.

I sighed and bookmarked the page in my journal.

"Well, the elders of Evolution believe I may be the key to transforming the entire clan."

"But to transform the clan would mean that you'd need to be--"

"The Evolution Council, yeah, I know."

"You're going to be the next Council? But you're still so young; you would be the youngest member to ever be a part of the Council. Do you think you're ready for something like that?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. This is a once in a lifetime thing; I don't see how anyone could pass up an opportunity like that."

I opened my journal and flipped through the pages until I found the section that contained my inventions.

"Aren't you worried about the danger that comes with the job?" Hawk added.

"I've been in danger since the day I was born, and 17 years later I've still managed to survive. Walking on the street these days is just as dangerous as anything else; so, why be afraid to take a risk?"

"Good point."

I examined a sword I designed; it was made of polished bronze gears that rotated like clockwork and the blade was made of pure titanium. A beam of light shot onto the page as I turned the dial on my custom-made wristband; it scanned and copied every detail of the sword like a 3D printer.

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