✒Chapter 15-The Ghost Tribe Rises

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•The Ghost Tribe Rises•

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and hours turned into a lifetime; the journey seemed never-ending

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Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and hours turned into a lifetime; the journey seemed never-ending. The sun, which lit the way to the exit, grew dimmer and dimmer as time flew by.

"I thought this safehouse was nearby." Charles said to James.

"I never said that; I said it was in the forest, not how far." James replied.

"I hope we're getting close," said Hawk, "The beasts are more likely to attack when we have a bad sense of vision."

James suddenly stopped at a tree covered in vines and thorns. "We're here."

"Here?" Jennifer said, "Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack." He sliced through a pair of thorny vines and a secret panel revealed itself; the mark of the Supernatural clan was engraved on it. Jennifer rubbed her hand across the symbol.

"What the--who made this place?" She asked.

James hesitated to answer. "Our Mother did. She's really good."

"She was good," William replied. "She died in this forest."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"Some things don't need to be talked about."

James continued to work on the panel, trying to open the entrance.

"Are you almost done with the door?" William asked.

James pressed down on the panel repeatedly, but nothing happened.

"It's not working. We might have to find a different place after all."

"Maybe we don't," said Charles. "We just need a tree that isn't dead." He rubbed his hands across the bark of the dead tree and it began to grow.

The darkness that consumed it vanished, branches stood upright, leaves began to sprout, and roots rose up from out of the ground. The mark on the panel began to glow and a door appeared, replacing the bark.

"That's impressive." Hawk said.

"Yeah, and completely noticeable." Mcduff added. "It's the only tree that's alive in this entire forest."

"Don't worry; once we're inside we can put a cloak around the tree so no one can see it."

William grabbed his hammer and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" James asked.

"To find my own shelter. If you want to die in your sleep, be my guest." He approached a boulder that sealed the entrance to a cave, and slammed his hammer into it; it cracked and busted open, forming a path to the entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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