✒Chapter 7-Precognition

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Jennifer's POV (Point of View)

Jennifer's POV (Point of View)

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've only been at Gifted Academy for two days and things are already leading in the wrong direction. I didn't come to make friends; I didn't come for tests; I came to take on my next job. I hate my job with a passion, but once you start, leaving may cost you your life. I've caused more bloodshed than most serial killers. I'm a killer; it's the only life I've ever known. Read my lips...I am an Assassin.

It was night; the moon sat still while the stars danced around across the dim-lit sky. I stood in the courtyard, waiting for my contact--the man who released me from Alcatraz.

The wind stirred vigorously through the trees; leaves flew passed my face and scattered all over the ground. A clicking noise caught my attention as it crept up from behind me. A female voice spoke out.

"You must be Jennifer Fang of the deadly Vampire clan."

I turned to the sight of a girl in a black coat. She wore red sneakers, and long red hair hung down from her hood.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I gripped my dagger that sat at my side.

"I'm Jinx," she said, "I was told to come here just like you were." She removed her hood and revealed her pale skin. Her skin was so wrinkled and grey, that she looked like a human cigarette.

"Excuse my complexion, I've been asleep for a while and my last meal didn't completely satisfy me." She smiled, showing off her mouth full of fangs; they were slightly stained with blood.

"So you're from the Vampire clan too."

"Guilty as charged."

She approached me and examined me closely.

"I know I'm looking pretty bad myself, but I couldn't help but notice that you're looking a little scrawny. By the looks of your patched-up arm you must have lost a lot of blood. When was your last feeding?"

"I don't..."

"What do you mean, you don't? You don't know when, or-?"

"No, I don't feed. I found other ways to get rid of my hunger without using innocent people, unlike you."

"What's wrong with my way?" She chuckled.

"You have the ability to drain by touch, but you kill your victims brutally with your fangs. That's cruel and against the Council's wishes."

"The members of the Council made the rules for us because their afraid of us evolving; blood is what keeps us going...it gives us more strength. They only want us to stop drinking because deep down they know we're the dominant clan."

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