Chapter 1

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Mikayla P.O.V

Is he serious right now!

"So you want me to pretend to be your fiancee to help you impress your parents."

"Um yeah pretty much I thought it was kinda self explanatory."

"Mason I'm sorry but I can't -"

"I knew you would say that so I'll pay you whatever you want" he paused and winked at me " or however you want."

"No I'm not doing this it's not right your my boss I should be doing serious work, and why didn't you ask one of your girlfriends."

" First of all I don't date I'm a no strings attached kind of guy and if I were to ask one of my "girlfriends" to do this they'd probably think I was seriously proposing and never leave me alone."

" So what you think I'm just easy."

"No it's just I need someone who I know my parents will approve of and your the perfect candidate, your smart, beautiful, and hard-working, those are the kind of things that they would want."

"You're a real kiss ass you know that but since you think I'm beautiful and smart I'll do it."

"Really, oh thank God! I seriously thought I was gonna have to come up with this huge lie to tell my parents to explain why my fiancee wasn't around."

"Whatever just don't forget about the money."

I got up to leave but once again Mason stopped me.

"Where are you going."

"Back to my desk to do work that's usually why I come to work."

"No don't worry about that right now we have to go."


He looked at me as if I'd grown a second head.

"The jeweler's, where else."

He grabbed his coat and started walking towards the door.

"Why would we need to go to the jewelers."

"To get your ring Mikayla usually when people get engaged there's a ring involved and if I'm going to fake an engagement there's no way in hell I'm not gonna have a ring we're getting you the biggest rock in the store."

"Oh alright I'll meet you buy your car."


When we entered the store and eager sales assosciate approached us.

"Welcome how may I help you today."

Mason put his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him. I glared at him incredulously but refused to turn my way, instead he responded to the older woman.

"Hi, my fiancee and I are looking for her engagment ring."

"Oh well some of our most popular selections are over here, perhaps you could take a look at them sir while I measure to find your fiancees size, if you could please come with me miss."

"Thanks" Mason responded.

I gave him a subtle pinch as I followed the woman to be measured.


"I don't like that one Mason it's to square. No it's purple. Don'"

"Come on Mikayla we have to choose one quickly."

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