Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"JAZZABELLA! GET YOUR FILTHY ARSE IN HERE!" my alpha screamed at me.

I quickly ran upstairs to his office and knocked before entering with my head bowed down, "yes, alpha? What would you like me to do?" I asked him.

"Go make me a coffee, you know how I like them," he said.

"Yes, alpha," I replied and I hurried off to make the alpha a coffee.

On the way there, I bumbed into someone and that someone happened to be my mate, the soon-to-be alpha. Of course, I only just found out myself.

It's pretty easy to find your mate, though. You get sparks when you touch them or you smell an amazing smell.

"Mate," I whispered.

"You got to be kidding me," he muttered. "I, Jack Meddelcot, reject you, Jazzabella Timson, as my mate."

I felt heartbroken. I quickly got up, made the alpha's coffee, gave it to the alpha and ran upstairs to my my room so that I can pack.

I grabbed my small amount clothes, a picture of my whole family, put them in a small backpack I own and wrote a letter to the pack. It read;

    Dear Midnight Moon pack,

I have decided to leave this pack as I have decided that I no longer belong here anymore. I don't understand why I am being abused and rejected by everyone, including my mate. I wish you all luck in life snd I hope that all you loosers rot in hell.

P.S. I can't take the pain anymore, I now been through it for five years.

                  Yours Truly,

            Jazzabella Timson.

I decided that was as good as it was going to get for such short notice. I really hope that they don't try to look for me.

I grabbed my bag with all my stuff in it, I ran to the window, jumped out and I ran. I ran as fast as I could, which was actually faster then I thought I would be, surprisingly. Especially since I haven't shifted, yet. My wolf will come in a couple of days on my fifteenth birthday.

I ran past the border into my well earned freedom. So now I'm free! But I'll keep on running for now. The further away I go, the better.

(Jack's Pov)

I really didn't want to reject her. Jazzabella is beautiful, but I don't want my dad to think that I'm not worthy for the position of alpha.

I think she ran off to make my dad a coffee.

Tomorrow, I'll talk to her.

(the next day)

"JAZZABELLA! GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE THE PACK SOME BREAKFAST!" my dad shouted. It was a few minutes later, when Jazzabella didn't come down, dad went upstairs to see if she was here.

I followed him up to see where she was, but what I saw was even more heartbreaking than anything.

Her room was bare with only a single piece of paper on the sheets we made her sleep on.

My dad was even more heartbroken than I, he has already read the letter, but he won't let me read it yet.

"What does it say dad? I asked him.

"It's Jazzabella, she left," he said.

"Why are you crying, then? It's not like you cared for her," said my beta, one of Jazzabella's older brothers, Shane. He was her twin and was the nicest one to her.

"Because the whole time we blame Jazzabella for the hunter's attacks, especially when it was her parents death. I just wanted to blame some one for it. But, she has now been rejected by her mate because of it," dad said.

"She is my sister and yes I treated her badly, but I still love her. I just don't like that she was rejected. My poor little, twin sister, rejected by her mate. The only person she'll ever, truly, love," Shane said, sadly.

"Well, it looks like we have to send search parties out so that we can find her," I said then left.

I don't want them to find out that she is my mate.


Hey, I know this chapter wasn't as good as what I can write, but I tried my best. Especially since I'm writing two books at the moment, yeah I hope you liked it and please comment and vote.


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