A Rejection, Some Rogues and A Goddess

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Hi, my name is Jazzabella.

I am a werewolf and I belong to the Midnight Moon pack. They had treated me horribly there, ever since my parents died, that is.

My parents were some of the most respected werewolves in the Midnight Moon pack. They were the two betas of my pack and I'm their youngest daughter.

You might be thinking, 'why do they treat her wrong?' it's because they blame me for their death. But it wasn't my fault, though, in a way, it was.

I had decided to go out for a walk one day and some hunters found me. They had tried to kill me, but before they could, my parents took the blow and died. They died to protect me. I was also about 10 at that time.

If you think about it, it actually is pretty funny. I have 4 brothers, Mason, Ben, Kenny and my twin, but he's older then me by a couple of minutes, Shane. I also have a sister named Megan. They all abuse me because they say I'm a worthless piece of crap.

I hope they rot in hell.


Hey people. This is my second book, I'm still working on my other book though. My other book is called The Dark Warriors.

I hope you enjoy this book!


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